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I am attempting to develop an online browser game, and though I have no intention of buying a domain or cloud hosting it, I want to be able to run a server on my computer and have people play the online game by connecting via browser on other devices, on other networks. I have developed the game using socket-io, express, and phaser, and I have reached the point where I can play the game, with full multiplayer functionality between different tabs on the computer running the server. I am struggling to figure out the code and port forwarding changes to make it work over the public internet.

Reducing it to the bare bones, I have a server.js file in the root as follows:

const server = require('express')();
const http = require('http').createServer(server);
const host = 'localhost'; const port = 3000;

const io = require('')(http, {
    cors: { origin: `http://${host}:8080` }

  io.on('connection', function (socket) {
      console.log('A user connected: ' +;
      socket.on('disconnect', function () { console.log('A user disconnected: ' +; });

  http.listen(port, host, function () {
    console.log('Server started!');

And in a client directory there is a index.html that calls the following game.js script:

import io from '';

const hostname = 'localhost'; const port = 3000;
let serverAddress = `http://${hostname}:${port}`;

export default class Game extends Phaser.Scene {
    constructor() {
        super({ key: 'Game' });

    create() {
        this.socket = io(serverAddress);
        this.socket.on('connect', function () { console.log('Connected!'); });

From these, I run npm start in both the root and client directories. When opening http://localhost:8080/ in a browser I get an acknowledgement by the server process that a user connects, and an acknowledgement in the browser console that the webpage is connected.

I have tried port forwarding to make sure that socket-io can send and receive publicly. I don’t have a router but I going to my modem settings I added ipv4 forwarding for the port 3000 and my PC’s local ip ( with TCP and UDP. I can’t really get my head around the relationship between port forwarding, the ports 3000 and 8080, and the Nodejs server and client processes.

I have tried changing in the code to replace localhost with my public ipv4 address (, which reckons is probably static, but the server console identifies http.listen() as throwing an error so this doesn’t get off the ground, and this happens even with Windows Defender Firewall disabled. No matter what I set the ports or the hosts to in server.js and game.js, when I open another device on a separate network and enter or or or anything I can’t get any connection.

What do I change to get it working? When using a browser on another device and network, should I expect to be connecting on or and why? Why does the browser on my local machine not load my game at, but it does at despite the fact that 8080 doesn’t appear anywhere in my code other than a cors fix? I’m sure I’m missing something obvious here because I’m just a self taught hobbyist, but it’d be great to figure this out so I can get back to coding the game!



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    So it turned out that the issue was my ISP, (Belong), which does not offer static IPs, uses CGNAT, and does not offer ipv6. I ended up getting it working after a lot of hair pulling by following this tutorial very closely:

  2. well this is no phaser issue this is more a Network issue/ question. That said, for others to be able to play the game, there are somethings you need too look out for:

    • your ISP must not be blocking the ports you want to use( some ISP block incoming traffic ), depending on your provider you might not be able
    • your ISP must give you a static ip Adresse (if you hav a dynamic on it is more difficult, and you would need to use a service like
    • your "router" must be configured to forward ports (only the specific ones you need) to your Computer’s IP
    • your Computer needs to have a static local IP so that the router can forward the ports.
    • than the code has to reflect this new ip/host Situation.

    So now specific to your question,

    • first your game uses two ports 8080 for the webserver/webpage and 3000 for so those two port need to be accessible form the Internet. test it with https://your-external-ip:8080. (bzw.: if I remember correctly websockets might not work on non https Websites, if not localhost, you might need to enable ssl, chekc the browser console, it there are errors)
    • if everthing works, you just need to change in your code, the host/hostname localhost too your-external-ip.

    if you have issue in some step, always check the browser/developer console, for errors.

    just to be clear you start your game on port 8080, port 3000 is ise by your game in the Background, thats why you will need to forward both.

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