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The file Editor.js in the components directory contains this

const Editor = () => {
  //some states
  const [mathEditorVisible, setMathEditorVisible] = useState(false);
  //some other code

This is Form.js in the utils directory:

  //some imports
    export const handleSaveFormula = (latex) => {
     //some code

This is Editor.js in the utils directory:

//some exports
export const editExpression = () => {
//some code

Now, I want to import the setMathEditorVisible from Editor.js in the components directory where it is defined to the Editor.js and Form.js files in the utils directory.
This error occurs if I do not import it
**ERROR in [eslint] src/utils/Editor.js
Line 17:8: ‘setMathEditorVisible’ is not defined no-undef

Line 49:7: ‘setMathEditorVisible’ is not defined no-undef
And of course it will because it is undefined for now.



  1. u can move the state to component alone and import it

    export default function State() {
      const [mathEditorVisible, setMathEditorVisible] = useState(false);
      return {mathEditorVisible,setMathEditorVisible}

    now u can impoet it in any component

    import State from "State.jsx"
    export const editExpression = () => {
      const {mathEditorVisible,setMathEditorVisible}=State()
    //u can use the state objects now
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  2. You’ll have to manage this without imports. Since the state setter is just a local variable in a component function.

    However, fear not, this problem can be solved in a couple other ways:


    You can pass mathEditorVisible and setMathEditorVisible into Editor and into your handleSaveFormula and editExpression functions from component of a higher level (e.g. page).

    It will look something like this:

    // page.tsx
    const Page = () => {
      const [mathEditorVisible, setMathEditorVisible] = useState(false)
      return <>
       <Editor visible={mathEditorVisible} /> 
       <button onClick={() => {
       }}>Your submit flow</button>
       <button onClick={() => {
       }}>Your edit flow</button>


    Another way to do this is put your variables into context (which would have to be on top of Editor component and the functions you’re calling setMathEditorVisible in).

    Context lets you access its values in any (even nested) child components.

    So, in this situation you would store your [mathEditorVisible, setMathEditorVisible] in value property of a context component (ContextObject.Provider) created by React.createContext. Then later you can access the values through useContext hook, passing the original context object as the argument.

    Here’s the example:

    // mathEditor.tsx
    const EditorContext = React.createContext<[boolean, (v: boolean) => void]>([false, () => {}])
    const Editor = () => {
      const [mathEditorVisible] = useContext(EditorContext)
    // page.tsx
    const SubmitFlow = () => {
      const [,setMathEditorVisible] = useContext(EditorContext)
      return <>
        <button onClick={() => setMathEditorVisible(false)}>Submit</button>
    const EditFlow = () => {
      const [,setMathEditorVisible] = useContext(EditorContext)
      return <>
        <button onClick={() => setMathEditorVisible(true)}>Edit</button>
    const Page = () => {
      const [mathEditorVisible, setMathEditorVisible] = useState(false)
      return <>
        <EditorContext.Provider value={[mathEditorVisible, setMathEditorVisible]}>
          <Editor />
          <SubmitFlow />
          <EditFlow />

    Note that with context, since you have to call useContext hook, you would need to retrieve values in a component, and if needed, pass it to underlying functions.


    As some other people already mentioned, you’re probably better off with the first approach. However, it’s good to know how context works, in case you need to access something in a lot unconnected components/places.

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