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I’m trying to mask email, so if I have this email:

[email protected]

after masking it I want to show it like this:


Basically always show ONLY the first character in the beginning, the first character after @ symbol, and first character after .com (Example: only show letter c)

This is my code:

let myEmail = "[email protected]".replace(/^(.).+?(?=@)/, '$1***').replace(/(@.).+?(?=.w+$)/, '$1***')

Can anyone tell me what I’m missing or if this could be simplified in a better way? Thanks a lot in advance!



  1. '[email protected]'.replace(/^(.).*@(.).*.(.).*$/, '$1***@$2***.$3***')
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  2. Replace all word characters except the first one and prefixed with a non word character:

    let myEmail = "[email protected]".replace(/(?<!(W|^))w/g, '*');

    But when the name part contains dots and special characters like often used + we end up with a more complex regex like:

    (?<!(^|@))[^@](?!w+$) – here we replace all characters that aren’t @ except the first one and after @ and before the top level domain

    (?<=w)w(?=w+$) – here we replace the characters in the top level domain except the first one

    let myEmail = "[email protected]".replace(/(?<!(^|@))[^@](?!w+$)|(?<=w)w(?=w+$)/g, '*');

    Also we have an option manually split and mask:

    let myEmail = '[email protected]';
    const [name, domain] = myEmail.split('@');
    const hide = str => str[0] + '*'.repeat(str.length - 1);
    myEmail = hide(name) + '@' + domain.split('.').map(hide).join('.');

    Which is actually faster than the regex:

    enter image description here

    <script benchmark data-count="1000000">
    const myEmail = '[email protected]';
    // @benchmark regex
    myEmail.replace(/(?<!(^|@))[^@](?!w+$)|(?<=w)w(?=w+$)/g, '*');
    // @benchmark string splitting and padding
    const [name, domain] = myEmail.split('@');
    const hide = str => str[0] + '*'.repeat(str.length - 1);
    hide(name) + '@' + domain.split('.').map(hide).join('.');
    <script src=""></script>
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