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I want my primeng multiselect to have a search/filter input, which I added via
<p-multiselect [filter]="'true'" [options]="selectOptions"></p-multiselect>. And when user type value in filter input, I get new data with api, and refresh selectOptions. But p-multiselect is doing filter on my options, and shows options without some items.

Tell me please how can I have that filter input, without dafault filter function?

Now I just refresh that options data, but I dont get the result I wont



  1. You need to use AutoComplete functionality to achieve this.

    multiselect only allows you to filter through the data you have already set to the dropdown

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  2. You can do that by adding input filed with formControl inside the pTemplate="header" of the component like so:

    In html:

      defaultLabel="Select a City"
      <ng-template pTemplate="header">
        <div class="flex p-3" [dir]="'ltr'">
          <div class="p-inputgroup" (click)="$event.stopPropagation()">
            <span class="p-inputgroup-addon"><i class="pi pi-search"></i></span>

    make sure to disable the default filter by adding [filter]="false"

    Now inside your TS:

    searchFormCountries:FormControl = new FormControl('');
        const search$ = this.searchFormCountries.valueChanges.pipe(distinctUntilChanged(),debounceTime(400));
        search$.subscribe(res =>{
          // here call your api and update the list of data
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