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I have those hints enter image description here

Have can I remove it from browser by android?

Is this possible with JavaScript?



  1. something like:

    const MyTextInput = () => {
      return (

    With the autoCorrect={false} property set, the word suggestions and corrections should be disabled for the TextInput in your app.

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  2. In HTML, disable the autocomplete, spellcheck, autocorrect, and autocapitalize attributes on the <input> element.

    <input type="text" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" />

    Do you want to do it through JavaScript? Use the setAttribute() method.

    const text = document.getElementById("text");
    text.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
    text.setAttribute("autocorrect", "off");
    text.setAttribute("autocapitalize", "off");
    text.setAttribute("spellcheck", "false");
    <input type="text" id="text" />
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