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I am trying to upload an image and display it in my application. I am working in AngularJS, MVC and Web APi. My Image uploads successfully to a folder.

Issue is: After uploading I send back relative path as Http response and set it to my controller $scope property which in turn I want to bind with img src. I am not sure if this is proper way to do it or not. Please guide is this wrong or what I am doing wrong.

My view is:

 <div class="profilePic">
       <img src="@Url.Content(UserDetails.PrflPic)" alt="Sample Image" />
 <input type="file" valid-file upload="uploadFile(file)" ng-model="file">

Here "UserDetails.PrflPic" is my $scope property that I want to use some how. But, I cannot do this because Url.Content takes string only. I tried this @Url.Content({{UserDetails.PrflPic}}) which also is not fine.

My Controller Method is:

$scope.uploadFile = function (file) {
        var PromiseData = UserService.uploadProfilePicture(file);
        PromiseData.then(function (Response) {
            alertify.alert('Image uploaded sucessfully');
            $scope.UserDetails.PrflPic =;
        }, function (Error) {$scope.$apply();
            alertify.alert('Some issue occurred while saving picture');

File Upload Api as:

 public IHttpActionResult Post()
            var httpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request;

            // Check if files are available
            if (httpRequest.Files.Count > 0)
                var postedFile = httpRequest.Files[0];

                var path = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/UserProfilePic/");
                if (!Directory.Exists(path))

                // Fetch the File Name.
                string fileName = Path.GetFileName(postedFile.FileName);

                // Save the File.
                postedFile.SaveAs(path + fileName);

                var ImgLoc = "~/UserProfilePic/" + fileName;
                return Content(HttpStatusCode.OK, ImgLoc);
                return BadRequest("No files to upload.");



  1. Please try this

     <img src="{{UserDetails.PrflPic}}" alt="Sample Image" />
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  2. The ng-src directive allows you to bind the src attribute.

    <img ng-src="{{UserDetails.PrflPic}}" alt="Sample Image" />
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