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as shown below in the html code, i have a date-picker. when onDateOfSpraySet() is called, the iDatePasser.dateOfSpray will be set to the chosen value of the date.For example, if the user selected 08-31-2023,iDatePasser.dateOfSpray will contain a string
equal to the same aforementioned date.

the problem iam facing is, when i want to set the date on the data-picker via iDatePasser.dateOfSpray. for example, i want to be able to when i set iDatePasser.dateOfSpray = 15-08-2022 the data picker changes accordingly and automatically set to 15-08-2022

please let me know how to achieve that

private onDateOfSpraySet(event:any):void {
    const splitted = this.iDatePasser.dateOfSpray.split('/')
    const numOfDateBites = splitted.length
    this.maxDateLimit = formatDate(new Date(), 'yyyy-MM-dd ','en-US')
    const maxDateLimitAsDate = new Date(this.maxDateLimit)
    const dateOfSprayAsDate = new Date(this.iDatePasser.dateOfSpray)
    const maxDateDate = maxDateLimitAsDate.getDate()
    const maxDateMonth = maxDateLimitAsDate.getMonth()
    const maxDateYear = maxDateLimitAsDate.getFullYear()

    let isValidInputDateFrom = false
    if (dateOfSprayAsDate < maxDateLimitAsDate && Number(splitted[1]) < maxDateDate - 2) {
      isValidInputDateFrom = true
    } else{
      isValidInputDateFrom = false
      this.iDatePasser.dateOfSpray = formatDate(new Date(), 'yyyy-MM-dd','en-US') //<=== here i want to set date value to the iDatePasser.dateOfSpray and make the data picker reflects the date value accordingly
<div id="idDateOfSprayContainer">
    <clr-date-container class="clsDateContainer">
        <label id="idDateOfSprayLabel">
            {{ "SITE.INSECTICIDES.DATE_OF_SPRAY_LABEL" | translate }}:
        <input id="idDateOfSprayValue" class="clr-control-container" clrDate type="time" placeholder="" [(ngModel)]="iDatePasser.dateOfSpray"  name="dateOfSpray" (ngModelChange)="onDateOfSpraySet($event)"
            value="2021-07-21" [min]="minDateLimit" [max]="maxDateLimit" [disabled] = "!siteSelectionState"/>



  1. The date format in iDatePasser.dateOfSpray matches the format of the date picker so if date picker wants a date in the format MM/dd/yyyy make sure you are setting the date like that.

    You can use DatePipe to format the date instead of using formatDate – this helps ensuring the date is formatted correctly. Add it to the providers in the module.

    providers: [DatePipe]

    And instead of updating the model inside the onDateOfSpraySet fn, directly update the model when the condition is not met.

    constructor(private datePipe: DatePipe) {}
    private onDateOfSpraySet(event:any):void{
      const maxDateLimitAsDate = new Date(this.maxDateLimit);
      const dateOfSprayAsDate = new Date(this.iDatePasser.dateOfSpray);
      if (dateOfSprayAsDate>=maxDateLimitAsDate || dateOfSprayAsDate.getDate() >= maxDateLimitAsDate.getDate() - 2){
        this.iDatePasser.dateOfSpray = this.datePipe.transform(new Date(), 'MM/dd/yyyy');
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  2. From your question What i get is that
    when you set iDatePasser.dateOfSpray = 15-08-2022 ,the data picker should changes accordingly and automatically set to 15-08-2022.

    I think I have answered other question related to this "clr-date-container".
    There also I found the solution to be using a DATE PIPE.

    so you have to write it as (This will give an error.Please continue to read)

        <input id="idDateOfSprayValue" class="clr-control-container" clrDate type="time" placeholder="" [(ngModel)]="iDatePasser.dateOfSpray |  date : 'yyyy-MM-dd'"  name="dateOfSpray" (ngModelChange)="onDateOfSpraySet($event)"
            value="2021-07-21" [min]="minDateLimit" [max]="maxDateLimit" [disabled] = "!siteSelectionState"/>

    **NOTE:**the above will give you an error of using pipe with ngModel two way binding like below.

    Cannot have a pipe in an action expression at column

    The Work around for this is from ngModel basics



        <input id="idDateOfSprayValue" class="clr-control-container" clrDate type="time" placeholder="" [ngModel]="iDatePasser.dateOfSpray |  date : 'yyyy-MM-dd'"  name="dateOfSpray" (ngModelChange)="iDatePasser.dateOfSpray=$event;onDateOfSpraySet($event)"
            value="2021-07-21" [min]="minDateLimit" [max]="maxDateLimit" [disabled] = "!siteSelectionState"/>

    [ngModel]="iDatePasser.dateOfSpray | date : ‘yyyy-MM-dd’"

    the above two will give the effect of [(ngModel)].
    You can add onDateOfSpraySet($event) with ngModelChange like I have written on Code.

    Sorry if i made it confusing.(Just describing all details thinking someone may want that & Since I have answered two of your questions related to the same problem solved by same method ).

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