I am creating a table in React that has multiple rows. For each row there will be a React component underneath called AutoShopPricesExpanded that has more details about that row’s prices. When I click on a single row I want to show only 1 of the components underneath.
Currently, the code shows all the components for every row when the user clicks on the ‘Toggle Show’ button.
My question is, how do I only show a single component for the relevant table row.
The code below is my current progress
import { Box, Text, Table, Tbody, Td, Th, Thead, Tr} from '@chakra-ui/react';
import {AutoShopPriceExpand} from './autoShopPriceExpand';
import { useState } from 'react';
export const AutoShopPricesList = ({filteredAutoShopPricesLists}:{filteredAutoShopPricesLists: any}) => {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
function toggle() {
setIsOpen((isOpen) => !isOpen);
return (
<Box py={1}>
<Table variant='striped'>
<Th isNumeric>Price</Th>
{filteredAutoShopPricesLists.map((autoshop: any)=>{
<button onClick={toggle}>Toggle show</button>
<Tr key = "lol">
<Td>{autoshop.car_year} {autoshop.car_make} {autoshop.car_model} <br/> <Text color='gray' fontSize='sm'> {autoshop.car_trim} </Text></Td>
<Td>{autoshop.service} <br/> <Text color='gray' fontSize='sm'>{autoshop.date_of_quote} </Text> </Td>
<Td isNumeric> ${autoshop.service_price} <br/> <Text color='gray' fontSize='sm'>{autoshop.source_of_price} </Text></Td>
{isOpen && <AutoShopPriceExpand details = {autoshop}/>}
you can achieve this using multiple approaches.
You can try this code,in which the toggle function takes the index of the clicked row, and the isRowOpen variable is used to conditionally render the AutoShopPriceExpand component only for the clicked row.