I’m trying to create a form and store the user inputs for each textfield into states. The questions will be retrieved from an external source so I store all of them into an object where the questions and answers are represented as key-value pairs. The problem with this implementation is that I can’t type anything into the textfields. They all remain empty no matter what I type.
import Box from "@mui/system/Box";
import Stack from "@mui/system/Stack";
import ArrowBackIcon from "@mui/icons-material/ArrowBack";
import TextField from "@mui/material/TextField";
import { useState } from "react";
import HRMButton from "../Button/HRMButton";
import { fonts } from "../../Styles";
export default function OnboardingSurvey({prev, next, style}) {
//The form could contain any number of questions not just the four used in this example
const [form, setForm] = useState({
"What suggestions do you have for improving the company culture or work environment?": "",
"Do you have any feedback on your manager or team that you'd like to share?": "",
"How was your experience working here?": "",
"Is there anything else you would like to share that we haven't discussed?": ""
return (
<Box sx={{...{
border: "1px solid #EBEBEB",
borderRadius: "10px",
minWidth: "1003px",
paddingX: "113px",
paddingY: "63px",
fontFamily: fonts.fontFamily
}, ...style}}>
<h4 style={{textAlign: "center", marginTop: 0}}>Please answer the questions below as detailed as possible</h4>
<p style={{textAlign: "center", marginBottom: "50px"}}>
Your answers are going to be used to further improve our process.
{Object.keys(form).map((question) => (
<p style={{textAlign: "left"}}>{question}</p>
placeholder={"Your answer here"}
onChange={(e) => {
question: e.target.value
marginBottom: "50px",
width: "100%"
<Stack direction="row" alignContent="center" justifyContent="space-between">
<HRMButton mode="secondaryB" startIcon={<ArrowBackIcon />} onClick={prev}>Previous</HRMButton>
<HRMButton mode="primary" onClick={next}>Save and next</HRMButton>
You could try this
There is a very minor syntactical error.
The Computed Property Name must be enclosed in square brackets.
The below code uses a hard coded property name "question".
For Computed Property Names, it must be enclosed in square brackets as below. This will evaluate the variable question, and the result will be the property name.
Trial run
Browser display – Questions and Answers
Console log of the state – form object