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Hi I have a array of students. Each students may have mulitple address (array) and multiple hobbies (array)

Structure as below:

const studentsList = {
  students: [
      id: '54654',
      name: 'Tony',
      address: [
          location: 'SNG',
          building: 2,
          location: 'LON',
          building: 3,
      hobbies: [
          name: 'soccer',
          id: 123,
          name: 'music',
          id: 53,
      id: '505389',
      name: 'Stephen Strange',
      address: [
          location: 'LUX',
          building: 8,
          location: 'HK',
          building: 25,
      hobbies: [
          name: 'watch tv',
          id: 143,
          name: 'music',
          id: 83,
      id: '34534389',
      name: 'Wanda Maximoff',
      address: [
          location: 'HKG',
          building: 89,
          location: 'GEN',
          building: 79,
      hobbies: [
          name: 'reading',
          id: 45,
          name: 'chess',
          id: 37,

I would like to transform the student List to below format

1. Each student has a key of hobbies and each hobbies become a single hobby instead of a array

2. Each student has No key of address anymore, but has a key of loccation and building instead.

Like below

const studentsList = {
  students: [
      id: '54654',
      name: 'Tony',
      location: 'SNG',
      building: 2,
      hobbies:  {
          name: 'soccer',
          id: 123,
      id: '54654',
      name: 'Tony',
      location: 'LON',
      building: 3,
      hobbies:  {
          name: 'soccer',
          id: 123,
      id: '54654',
      name: 'Tony',
      location: 'SNG',
      building: 2,
      hobbies:  {
          name: 'music',
          id: 53,

      id: '54654',
      name: 'Tony',
      location: 'LON',
      building: 3,
      hobbies:  {
          name: 'music',
          id: 53,

      id: '505389',
      name: 'Stephen Strange',
      location: 'LUX',
      building: 8,
      hobbies: {
          name: 'watch tv',
          id: 143,
      id: '505389',
      name: 'Stephen Strange',
      location: 'HK',
      building: 25,
      hobbies: {
          name: 'watch tv',
          id: 143,
      id: '505389',
      name: 'Stephen Strange',
      location: 'HK',
      building: 25,
      hobbies: {
          name: 'music',
          id: 83,
      id: '505389',
      name: 'Stephen Strange',
      location: 'LUX',
      building: 8,
      hobbies: {
          name: 'music',
          id: 83,
      id: '34534389',
      name: 'Wanda Maximoff',
      location: 'HKG',
      building: 89,
          name: 'reading',
          id: 45,

      id: '34534389',
      name: 'Wanda Maximoff',
      location: 'GEN',
      building: 79,
          name: 'reading',
          id: 45,

      id: '34534389',
      name: 'Wanda Maximoff',
      location: 'HKG',
      building: 89,
          name: 'chess',
          id: 37,

      id: '34534389',
      name: 'Wanda Maximoff',
      location: 'GEN',
      building: 79,
          name: 'chess',
          id: 37,




  1. const studentsList = {
      students: [
          id: '54654',
          name: 'Tony',
          address: [
              location: 'SNG',
              building: 2,
              location: 'LON',
              building: 3,
          hobbies: [
              name: 'soccer',
              id: 123,
              name: 'music',
              id: 53,
        // ... other student objects ...
    const transformedStudentList = {
      students: []
    studentsList.students.forEach(student => {
      student.address.forEach(address => {
        student.hobbies.forEach(hobby => {
            location: address.location,
            building: address.building,
            hobbies: {
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  2. Here is the working logic :

    const studentsList = {
      students: [
          id: "54654",
          name: "Tony",
          address: [
              location: "SNG",
              building: 2,
              location: "LON",
              building: 3,
          hobbies: [
              name: "soccer",
              id: 123,
              name: "music",
              id: 53,
          id: "505389",
          name: "Stephen Strange",
          address: [
              location: "LUX",
              building: 8,
              location: "HK",
              building: 25,
          hobbies: [
              name: "watch tv",
              id: 143,
              name: "music",
              id: 83,
          id: "34534389",
          name: "Wanda Maximoff",
          address: [
              location: "HKG",
              building: 89,
              location: "GEN",
              building: 79,
          hobbies: [
              name: "reading",
              id: 45,
              name: "chess",
              id: 37,
    function builder(StudentsList) {
      let arr = StudentsList.students;
      let curr = [];
      for (let elem of arr) {
        let address = elem.address;
        let hobbies = elem.hobbies;
        //if hobbies array is empty the terniary operator logic is used
        for (let itemHobbies of hobbies.length > 0
          ? hobbies
          : [{ name: null, id: null }]) {
          for (let itemAddress of address) {
            let temp = {};
            temp.location = itemAddress.location;
            temp.building = itemAddress.building;
            //handling if hobbies array is empty
            if (itemHobbies && == null) temp.hobbies = [];
            else temp.hobbies = itemHobbies;
      return curr;
    let result = builder(studentsList);
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  3. Some crazy functional approach using Array::reduce() and Array::forEach().
    Basically you iterate hobbies for each student and inside the loop you add each address of the student to a new student item with the current hobby and student:

    const students = studentsList.students
        .reduce((r, { hobbies, address, ...stud }) =>
            hobbies.forEach(hobby => address.forEach(
                addr => r.push(Object.assign({}, stud, addr, {hobbies: hobby}))
            )) || r,
    console.log(JSON.stringify({students}, null, 4));
    const studentsList = {
      students: [
          id: '54654',
          name: 'Tony',
          address: [
              location: 'SNG',
              building: 2,
              location: 'LON',
              building: 3,
          hobbies: [
              name: 'soccer',
              id: 123,
              name: 'music',
              id: 53,
          id: '505389',
          name: 'Stephen Strange',
          address: [
              location: 'LUX',
              building: 8,
              location: 'HK',
              building: 25,
          hobbies: [
              name: 'watch tv',
              id: 143,
              name: 'music',
              id: 83,
          id: '34534389',
          name: 'Wanda Maximoff',
          address: [
              location: 'HKG',
              building: 89,
              location: 'GEN',
              building: 79,
          hobbies: [
              name: 'reading',
              id: 45,
              name: 'chess',
              id: 37,
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