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Been working on moving on to AdvancedMarker since Marker is deprecated in Google Maps.
I’m trying to migrate a marker but they’re rendered it so complicated for nothing…

I used to have a simple svg marker

   new google.maps.Marker({
       title: title,
       icon: '/img/marker.svg'

Now after migration, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to use the same path for the absolute mess of PinElement.

    const pinElement = new google.maps.marker.PinElement({
        glyph: new URL('/img/marker.svg'),

    new google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement({
        position: loc,
        map: map,
        title: title,
        content: pinElement

    Failed to construct 'URL': Invalid URL

How do I load that URL WITHOUT specifying the domain in the glyph ? We use this in multiple env and so domain can change, that’s the reason I wish to use absolute URL.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I will answer my own question, I might help someone. After going through the documentation that is full of typos and mistakes, I found that solution on a random page :

     let img = document.createElement("img");            
     img.src ='/img/marker.svg';
     new google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement({
          position: loc,
          map: map,
          title: title,
          content: img

  2. If you use a PinElement, your SVG file will be displayed inside the default balloon marker.

    async function initMap() {
      // Request needed libraries.
      const { Map } = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps");
      const { AdvancedMarkerElement, PinElement } = await google.maps.importLibrary(
      const center = { lat: 0, lng: 0 }
      const map = new Map(document.getElementById("map"), {
        center: center,
        zoom: 5,
        mapId: "4504f8b37365c3d0",
      // A marker with a custom SVG glyph.
      const glyphImg = document.createElement("img");
      glyphImg.src =
      const glyphSvgPinElement = new PinElement({
       glyph: glyphImg,
       background: '#fff'
      const glyphSvgMarkerView = new AdvancedMarkerElement({
        position: center,
        content: glyphSvgPinElement.element,
        title: "A marker using PinElement",
    #map {
      height: 180px;
    <div id="map"></div>
    <!-- prettier-ignore -->
    <script>(g=>{var h,a,k,p="The Google Maps JavaScript API",c="google",l="importLibrary",q="__ib__",m=document,b=window;b=b[c]||(b[c]={});var d=b.maps||(b.maps={}),r=new Set,e=new URLSearchParams,u=()=>h||(h=new Promise(async(f,n)=>{await (a=m.createElement("script"));e.set("libraries",[...r]+"");for(k in g)e.set(k.replace(/[A-Z]/g,t=>"_"+t[0].toLowerCase()),g[k]);e.set("callback",c+".maps."+q);a.src=`https://maps.${c}`+e;d[q]=f;a.onerror=()=>h=n(Error(p+" could not load."));a.nonce=m.querySelector("script[nonce]")?.nonce||"";m.head.append(a)}));d[l]?console.warn(p+" only loads once. Ignoring:",g):d[l]=(f,...n)=>r.add(f)&&u().then(()=>d[l](f,...n))})
            ({key: "AIzaSyCkUOdZ5y7hMm0yrcCQoCvLwzdM6M8s5qk", v: "beta"});</script>

    If you use your SVG as the AdvancedMarker content, the graphic will make the entire marker.

    async function initMap() {
      // Request needed libraries.
      const { Map } = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps");
      const { AdvancedMarkerElement, PinElement } = await google.maps.importLibrary("marker");
      const center = { lat: 0, lng: 0 };
      const map = new Map(document.getElementById("map"), {
        center: center,
        zoom: 5,
        mapId: "4504f8b37365c3d0",
      const parser = new DOMParser();
      // A marker with a custom inline SVG.
      const pinSvgString = '<svg xmlns="" height="50" width="50" viewBox="0 0 100 100"><path d="M30,76q6-14,13-26q6-12,14-23q8-12,13-17q3-4,6-6q1-1,5-2q8-1,12-1q1,0,1,1q0,1-1,2q-13,11-27,33q-14,21-24,44q-4,9-5,11q-1,2-9,2q-5,0-6-1q-1-1-5-6q-5-8-12-15q-3-4-3-6q0-2,4-5q3-2,6-2q3,0,8,3q5,4,10,14z" fill="green"/></svg>';
      const pinSvg = parser.parseFromString(
      const pinSvgMarkerView = new AdvancedMarkerElement({
        position: center,
        content: pinSvg,
        title: "A marker using a custom SVG image.",
    #map {
      height: 180px;
    <div id="map"></div>
    <!-- prettier-ignore -->
    <script>(g=>{var h,a,k,p="The Google Maps JavaScript API",c="google",l="importLibrary",q="__ib__",m=document,b=window;b=b[c]||(b[c]={});var d=b.maps||(b.maps={}),r=new Set,e=new URLSearchParams,u=()=>h||(h=new Promise(async(f,n)=>{await (a=m.createElement("script"));e.set("libraries",[...r]+"");for(k in g)e.set(k.replace(/[A-Z]/g,t=>"_"+t[0].toLowerCase()),g[k]);e.set("callback",c+".maps."+q);a.src=`https://maps.${c}`+e;d[q]=f;a.onerror=()=>h=n(Error(p+" could not load."));a.nonce=m.querySelector("script[nonce]")?.nonce||"";m.head.append(a)}));d[l]?console.warn(p+" only loads once. Ignoring:",g):d[l]=(f,...n)=>r.add(f)&&u().then(()=>d[l](f,...n))})
            ({key: "AIzaSyCkUOdZ5y7hMm0yrcCQoCvLwzdM6M8s5qk", v: "beta"});</script>
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