@if (user.name as userName) {
{{ userName }}
@if (user.name) {
{{ user.name }}
I am wondering what is the difference between this two approaches? just a syntax? or something else? For example when using as
does it creates variable? What is happening under the hood?
The "as" keyword generates code that assigns the value to a temporary variable.
Use "as" for:
Cleaner template logic by introducing meaningful aliases.
Avoiding repetitive property access.
Avoid "as" when:
Not re-referencing the property within the block.
Unnecessary for clarity.
I don’t know how deep you want such an explaination to go.
if you really want to go down to each line of execution, I’m sorry.. I will not put hours into this question.
Basically this happens:
First of all, you have to keep in mind, what you are writing there, is a dialect that does resemble js, but isn’t.
So to not go into too much depth and keep this somewhat reasonable, let’s start at the point, where the parser will encounter a
basically what you see there, is that when encountering an
, it will consume the continuing data as block.the consumption of that block will parse as follows:
after all the blocks of your code are parsed, it will be thrown into angulars expression parser. (since
refers to an expression)this will also go through, and parse the
which will then go there:
and will then do a variable binding as seen here:
afterwards the bindings and other entities that drop out the AST compiler will be rendered here:
if you then go further into that function there, called
, you will encounter a call toHtmlAstToIvyAst
which then goes further into roughly 600 more lines of code that do yet another AST to AST convertion..I could go further ofc, but as I said at the start, going deep will take a long time.
I hope you get a gist of how this somewhat works now.
essentially it parses this
expression as a variable expansion, likelet [foo, bar] = [1, 5]
in vanilla js. except in this case it’s more like[1, 5][0] as foo
also a small reminder: all this code is ran every time you compile a template.