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I have a problem that I don’t understand how to solve, it should work, but it doesn’t.

const getPhones = async () => {
  await fetch(url, requestOptions)
    .then((response) => response.text())
    .then((XMLdata) => {
      const parser = new XMLParser()
      const jObj = parser.parse(XMLdata)
      let data = jObj['soapenv:Envelope']['soapenv:Body']['ns:listPhoneResponse']['return']['phone']
      return data
    .catch((error) => console.log('error', error))

the function returns JSON like this, I can see it in console.log(data):

  { name: 'SEP805E0C47A189', model: 'Third-party SIP Device (Basic)' },
  { name: 'SEPDCEB94CE9A65', model: 'Cisco 7821' },
  { name: 'TCT-442001', model: 'Cisco Dual Mode for iPhone' },
  { name: 'BOT-441015', model: 'Cisco Dual Mode for Android' },
  { name: 'SEP70708B219FC8', model: 'Cisco 8851' },

then everything is the same as everyone else export import express

export const phonesData = (req, res) => {

router.get('/api/phones', phonesData)

but when I go to the page localhost:3000/api/phones I get a 200 response but the data that I see in the console is missing. I copied the data from the console.log into a constant, and tried to substitute the constant in export, the data appeared. The function getPhones is asynchronous, it waits for fetch to be executed, then the result is parsed by fast-xml-parser into JSON which is returned.
What am I doing wrong?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    This is very strange, but I changed fetch to axios and everything worked for me.

    async function makeRequest() {
      try {
        const response = await axios.request(config)
        const parser = new XMLParser()
        const jObj = parser.parse(
        const data = jObj['soapenv:Envelope']['soapenv:Body']['ns:listPhoneResponse']['return']['phone']
        return data
      } catch (error) {

  2. getPhones is a function:

    const getPhones = async () => {

    Here you’re trying to return the function itself, rather than invoking it:

    export const phonesData = (req, res) => {

    You can invoke (call) a function by adding parentheses to it. Note also that getPhones is an async function, so you need to await its result:

    export const phonesData = async (req, res) => {
      res.status(200).json(await getPhones());

    Or, if an async version of phonesData doesn’t suit your needs, you can follow the result with .then():

    export const phonesData = (req, res) => {
      getPhones().then(data => res.status(200).json(data));

    Either way, you need to call the function in order for it to execute and return its result.

    Additionally, mixing await and .then() is a recipe for bugs:

    const getPhones = async () => {
      await fetch(url, requestOptions)
        .then((response) => response.text())
        .then((XMLdata) => {
          const parser = new XMLParser()
          const jObj = parser.parse(XMLdata)
          let data = jObj['soapenv:Envelope']['soapenv:Body']['ns:listPhoneResponse']['return']['phone']
          return data
        .catch((error) => console.log('error', error))

    If you want to use await syntax, use await syntax:

    const getPhones = async () => {
      try {
        const response = await fetch(url, requestOptions);
        const XMLdata = await response.text();
        const parser = new XMLParser();
        const jObj = parser.parse(XMLdata);
        let data = jObj['soapenv:Envelope']['soapenv:Body']['ns:listPhoneResponse']['return']['phone'];
        return data;
      } catch (error) {
        console.log('error', error);

    Alternatively, in lieu of await you can return the Promise chain. In which case the function doesn’t need to be async:

    const getPhones = () => {
      return fetch(url, requestOptions)
        .then((response) => response.text())
        .then((XMLdata) => {
          const parser = new XMLParser()
          const jObj = parser.parse(XMLdata)
          let data = jObj['soapenv:Envelope']['soapenv:Body']['ns:listPhoneResponse']['return']['phone']
          return data
        .catch((error) => console.log('error', error))

    In both cases the consuming code would treat it the same way, since both return a Promise which would resolve to data (or fail and log the error to the console).

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