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We have this string:

const baseReference = 'they can fix a spinal if you got the money';

if we want to check the string contains words or phrases we can simply do:

1) baseReference.includes('spinal'); // returns true

2) baseReference.includes('got the money'); // returns true

The issue is the includes method doesn’t respect the words, so this one returns true too:

3) baseReference.includes('spin');  // returns true but there is no word as spin in the string

I want to use includes method to check if string contains a phrase but with respect to each individual word so that we have these result:

1) baseReference.includes('spinal'); // should returns true
2) baseReference.includes('got the money'); // should returns true
3) baseReference.includes('spin'); // should returns false because we don't have spin as a word in the sring

What I tried was using split(' ') to turn the string to words and then using filter to check if includes match but using my method I can’t check a phrase like got the money right?

How would you do it?



  1. You can use the regex test method, so you can specify word breaks at the start and end, like so:

    const baseReference = "We got the money, but not the gold!";
    console.log(/bgot the moneyb/.test(baseReference)); // true
    console.log(/bnot the golb/.test(baseReference)); // false

    In case the text to search is dynamic (you have it in a variable), then construct the RegExp object like so:

    const baseReference = "We got the money, but not the gold!";
    const find = "money";
    const regex = RegExp(String.raw`b${find}b`);
    console.log(regex.test(baseReference)); // true
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  2. Building on @trincot‘s answer, you could further create a function within the String class prototype that allows you to perform the test from the string itself, similarly to String.includes().

    // Create a function inside the String class prototype itself
    // You may want to give it a more helpful name ;)
    String.prototype.respectfulIncludes = function(word) {
        return RegExp(String.raw`b${word}b`).test(this);
    const baseReference = 'they can fix a spinal if you got the money';
    console.log(baseReference.respectfulIncludes('got the money'));
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