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I’m working on a development tool that lets you create React components.

A user will start off with their component looking like:

function MyComponent() {
  var rand = useRef(Math.random());

  return <div>{rand}</div>;

but then might want to modify it like so:

function MyComponent() {
  var rand = useRef(Math.random());

  return <span>{rand}</span>;

The only meaningful change here was <span>, so ideally for me (to prevent full tree remounts for larger apps/preserve application state), that random number wouldn’t change because the ref would be preserved – but React seems to detect the change in reference to the component definition when considering its identity: MyComponent !== MyComponent (new) and outputs a different random value.

This is similar to implementing HMR (Hot Module Reloading) myself – but constrained to just react component definitions.

Here is a working example to play with:

Is there any way of modifying this React behavior with something like a name/id/key attribute on the definition? Or perhaps a more generic JS approach of preserving/reusing a function/component reference while modifying its definition?

I assume this may not be possible, and am just going to be limited by React here, but am asking just in case it is.



  1. The useState set function will trigger a re-render anyway, and by default, when a component re-renders, React re-renders all of its children recursively. In some cases, if you need to skip the re-rendering of components, useMomo could help.

    Also, avoiding some re-computation for this example is possible by passing refs or state props.

    Pass ref:

    const { useState, useRef } = React;
    const AComponent = ({ rand }) => <div>{rand.current} A</div>
    const BComponent= ({ rand }) => <span>{rand.current} B</span>
    let isAComponent    
    const getComponent = () => {
     const MyComponent = isAComponent? BComponent : AComponent
     isAComponent = !isAComponent
     return MyComponent
    function App() {      
      const [MyComponent, setMyComponent] = useState(getComponent);
      const rand = useRef(Math.random());   
        return (
          {React.createElement(MyComponent,{ rand })}
            onClick={() => {
          >hotswap component</div>
            onClick={() => {
              rand.current = Math.random()
          >change value for next hotswap</div>
    ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector("#app"))

    Pass state:

    const { useState, useRef } = React;
    const AComponent = ({ rand }) => <div>{rand} A</div>
    const BComponent = ({ rand }) => <span>{rand} B</span>
    let isAComponent    
    const getComponent = () => {
     const MyComponent = isAComponent? BComponent : AComponent
     isAComponent = !isAComponent
     return MyComponent
    function App() {      
      const [MyComponent, setMyComponent] = useState(getComponent);
      const [rand, setRand] = useState(Math.random());   
        return (
          {React.createElement(MyComponent,{ rand })}
            onClick={() => {
          >hotswap component</div>
            onClick={() => {
          >change value</div>
    ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector("#app"))
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  2. You could use

    function Wrapper(props) {
        const [Component, setComponent] = useState(MyComponent);
        return Component(props);

    Calling setComponent(MyComponent2) will re-render the wrapper, with the new Component but the same ref. The trick is to call Component as a function not to create a <Component {...props}> element. Of course, this will fail horribly if the old and new component use different hooks.

    Instead of this hack,
    I suggest you look into the internals of React to see how they implemented hot module reloading themselves. There is react-refresh to allow "Fast Refresh", provided by the React team.

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