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I am trying to make a basketball scoreboard app in React and have each team as it’s own object with score, field goals made, and field goal attempts as properties. I have buttons that increment all of these properties and I am trying to create a button to account for missed shots using setState on field goal attempts(fga), but it also updates the state for the other properties resetting their state to 0. Is there a way to use setState on a specific property without touching the rest?


  const [team1, setTeam1] = useState({
    score: 0,
    fgm: 0,
    fga: 0,
    threePm: 0,


          onClick={() =>
              fga: team1.fga + 1,



  1. Take the previous state, spread it, and add the updated property to create the new state:

    onClick={() =>
      setTeam1(team1=> ({
        fga: team1.fga + 1,

    When creating a new state, based on the previous state, it’s better to use and updater function. The updater function is called with the previous state. Take the previous state, spread it into a new object, and add the updated property:

    onClick={() =>
      setTeam1(prev => ({
        fga: prev.fga + 1,
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  2.     // Define an object with multiple properties
    let person = {
      name: 'John',
      age: 25,
      occupation: 'Engineer'
    // Update only the 'age' property while keeping others unchanged
    let updatedPerson = {
      ...<link>person</link>,  // Spread the properties of the original object
      age: 26    // Update the 'age' property
    // Output the updated object
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  3. Simple, use a spread operator to make a copy of the previous state and set it to your new state, then we set the new property like so:

    <button id="miss"
      onClick={() => setTeam1({...team1, fga: team1.fga + 1})}
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