I have an ASP.NET Page with a dropdownlist control – I want to eliminate a post back so I have wired the onclient change event to a js function. Since this drop down feeds a lot of controls with data, I am sending the JS an array of clientIds and the associated JSON field name from the returned data (which is acquired via a WebMethod call which returns JSON data for the record).
Below is just a subset of the amount of clientIds I am dealing with (probably 25 total)
protected override void OnRegisterScript()
UxSellerShareholderDdl.OnChange =
protected struct ClientId
public string fieldName;
public string clientId;
protected string getAllClientIds()
List<ClientId> ids = new List<ClientId>();
ids.Add(new ClientId{fieldName = "StreetAddress", clientId = SAddresslbl.ClientID});
ids.Add(new ClientId{fieldName = "PostalCode", clientId = SZiplbl.ClientID});
ids.Add(new ClientId{fieldName = "ContactName", clientId = SMainContactlbl.ClientID});
return new jsonScriptSerializer().Serialize(ids);
function SellerShareholder_OnChange(ddl, ctrlList) {
PageMethods.UpdateShareholderInfo(GetSelectedOptionValue(ddl), onSuccess, onError);
function onSuccess(result) {
const data = JSON.parse(result);
for(let i = 0; i < ctrlList.length; i++) {
let obj = ctrlList[i];
let fld = obj.fieldName;
if (fld === "PostalCode") {
var id = document.getElementById(obj.clientId);
var idhdn = document.getElementById(obj.clientId+"hdn");
idhdn.value = data.PostalCode;
id.innerHTML = data.PostalCode;
if (fld === "StreetAddress") {
var id = document.getElementById(obj.clientId);
var idhdn = document.getElementById(obj.clientId+"hdn");
idhdn.value = data.StreetAddress;
id.innerHTML = data.StreetAddress;
if (fld === "ContactName") {
var id = document.getElementById(obj.clientId);
var idhdn = document.getElementById(obj.clientId+"hdn");
idhdn.value = data.ContactName;
id.innerHTML = data.ContactName;
function onError(result) {
alert('Something wrong.');
Instead of all the fld === "Address"
then ctrl.innerHTML = data.Address
can this be simplified in the loop to do something like ctrl.innerHTML = data.{fld}
(so it equates to data.Address
Are there better ways in general to achieve what I am trying to accomplish here?
You can use the bracket notation:
is semantically equivalent in general toobject["property"]
in JS and other dynamic languages (such as Python). The first is called dot notation, while the second, bracket notation.Take a look on this article for more info on it.
Furthermore, you can do:
idhdn.value = data[fid];
To give an example with a value, if for instance
, this will do:idhdn.value = data["StreetAddress"];
Kudos to @pilchard for mentioning bracket notation to comments.
This is the full, detailed answer.
Update: possible duplicate of this question.
Couldn’t have explained it better than
Nick Louloudakis's
here, which gives as final code for the this part infunction onSuccess(result)