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On button click, I am opening a blank window and after small delay loading a word document.

However I want to show loading text at initial load until that new window/tab gets replaced with documents.

I am preferring


Is there any better approach?
Is it safe to use write method?

As it’s new/blank window, I can’t use create elements ( head , body is not exist in new window)

Used window write() which work fine



  1. While there is no issue using window.write() it would be better to load an HTML document with your loading markup already in place, that then loads content via a script.

    Ideally you do not have to load anything via scripts and it can all be served as static HTML.

    If you’re loading a file for the user I would recommend linking directly to it as a download rather than implementing a loading page for it. You can read more here:

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  2. I don’t think that there is a write method on the window object. There is document.write() method, it may work in some browsers but it is deprecated as per MDN.

    I am interested to know how window.write() works for you.

    If you are still interested in knowing how to use document.write, attaching a snippet here.

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