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import Cookies from 'js-cookie';
//this returns null 
const authTokenFromCookies = Cookies.get('authToken');
console.log("AuthToken from cookies:", authTokenFromCookies);

// This returns the token set from the backend
const authToken = response.headers['authToken'];
console.log("AuthToken after login:", authToken);

js-cookie returns null but headers return the set cookies, Why?
What could be the cause?



  1. js-cookie returns null but headers return the set cookies, Why?

    Because a cookie named authToken, and a response header named authToken, are absolutely not the same thing.

    A cookie would be set via a Set-Cookie header. (A response header Set-Cookie: authToken=value would create a cookie named authToken.)

    You did not log any actual cookie there in that second block, you logged the value of the header named authToken.

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  2. Hope this answers your query.

    It should be noted that js-cookie can only interact with cookies which are accessible by javascript.

    As @c3roe rightly mentioned, you are receiving null because there is no javascript-accessible cookie with the name authToken.

    Debug Approach:

    • Check if there is a cookie with name authToken via devTools.
    • If the cookie is available is it a httpOnly cookie ( httpOnly cookies are inaccessible by javascript ).
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