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I’m having a requirement of js regex should return the object from String.

String: 'A: 100 - 200, B: Test & Test2, Tes3, C: 40, D: 11 22, E: E 444,55E'


A: '100 - 200',
B: 'Test & Test2, Tes3',
C: '40',
D: '11 22',
E: 'E 444,55E'

I tried with following regex.

const regexp = /([^:]+): ?([^,]*),? ?/g;

But the output was not correct. Value for E is wrong.

{A: '100 - 200', B: 'Test & Test2', Tes3C: '40', D: '11 22', E: 'E 444'} 



  1. You could split the string and get parts for the object.

        string = 'A: 100 - 200, B: Test & Test2, Tes3, C: 40, D: 11 22, E: E 444,55E',
        parts = string.split(/, (?=[^,]:)/),
        result = Object.fromEntries( => s.match(/([^:]+): (.*)/).slice(1)));
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  2. You could use some lookahead:

    const input = 'A: 100 - 200, B: Test & Test2, Tes3, C: 40, D: 11 22, E: E 444,55E'
    const out = {};
    for(const m of input.matchAll(/(?:^|,)s*(S+):s*([^:]+)(?=,s*S+:|$)/g)){
      out[m[1]] = m[2];
    ` Chrome/129
    Alexander  ■ 1.00x | x1000000 404 407 419 423 444
    ggg          1.35x | x1000000 546 547 552 554 565
    ------------------------------------------------- `

    Open in the playground

    const input = 'A: 100 - 200, B: Test & Test2, Tes3, C: 40, D: 11 22, E: E 444,55E'
    // @benchmark Alexander
    const out = {};
    for(const m of input.matchAll(/(?:^|,)s*(S+):s*([^:]+)(?=,s*S+:|$)/g)){
      out[m[1]] = m[2];
    // @benchmark ggg
        parts = input.split(/, (?=[^,]:)/);
        Object.fromEntries( => s.match(/([^:]+): (.*)/).slice(1)));
    /*@skip*/ fetch('').then(r => r.text().then(eval));
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  3. Similar to other answers, in one functional expression:

    const input = 'A: 100 - 200, B: Test & Test2, Tes3, C: 40, D: 11 22, E: E 444,55E'
    const result = Object.fromEntries(Array.from(
        input.matchAll(/([^s,:]+)s*:s*([^:]+)(?=,|$)/g), ([, ...pair]) => pair

    If speed is important, then use the traditional exec method:

    const input = 'A: 100 - 200, B: Test & Test2, Tes3, C: 40, D: 11 22, E: E 444,55E'
    let re = /([^s,:]+)s*:s*([^:]+)(?=,|$)/g, match, result = {};
    while (match = re.exec(input)) result[match[1]] = match[2];
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  4. The regex that you tried ([^:]+): ?([^,]*),? ? also has a match Tes3, C: 40 which is not correct besides the match for E.

    You get those matches because this part [^,]* does not match a comma, so it will stop when it encounters the first one.

    Also note that when using a pattern like this with negated character classes ([^:]+): ?([^,]*) it can also match just :

    Another version with 2 capture groups:


    The regex in parts match:

    • b A word boundary to prevent a partial word match
    • ([A-Z]+) Capture group 1, match 1+ chars A-Z
    • :s+ Match a colon and 1+ whitespace chars
    • ( Capture group 2
      • [^s,][^,]* Match at least 1 non whitespace char other than a comma followed by 0+ chars other than a comma
      • (?: Non capture group to repeat as a whole
        • ,(?!s+[A-Z]+:) Match a comma when not directly followed by whitespace chars, 1+ chars A-Z and a colon
      • [^,]* Match optional characters other than a comma
      • )* Close the non capture group and optionally repeat it
    • ) Close group 2

    See a regex demo

    const regex = /b([A-Z]+):s+([^s,][^,]*(?:,(?!s+[A-Z]+:)[^,]*)*)/g;
    const s = 'A: 100 - 200, B: Test & Test2, Tes3, C: 40, D: 11 22, E: E 444,55E';
    const result = Object.fromEntries(
        m => [m[1], m[2]]
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