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I was coding some JavaScript modules trying to have the intellisense working on VsCode with the JsDocs

But now I’m struggling trying to write the JsDoc for the following case:

Suppose I have this classes

class SomeClass extends Array {}
class SomeOtherClass extends String {}

And I want to create this function to extend them

function WithFeature(base) {
  return class extends base {
    constructor() {
      // do something...

So I can make more cool classes

class CoolClass extends WithFeature(SomeClass) {
  // ...

class OtherCoolClass extends WithFeature(SomeOtherClass) {
  // ...

How can I JsDoc my beatifull WithFeature?

I thought something like this would work

 * @template {T}
 * @param {new () => T} base 
 * @returns {new () => T}
function WithFeature(base) {
  // ...

or maybe this

/** @type {<T>(base: T) => new () => T} */
function WithFeature(base) {
// ...

But of course it didn’t work for me (ie. it didn’t show the intellisense hints on VsCode) otherwise I wouldn’t asked this question!

Have somebody else encountered the same drama?


I noticed this that can be a step toward the solution!

class SomeClass extends Array {}
class SomeOtherClass extends String {}

 * @template T
 * @returns {T}
function WithFeature(/** @type {T} */ base) {
  return class extends base {
      // do something...

class CoolClass extends WithFeature(SomeClass) {
  // I can press ctrl-space to see the properties and methods
  // from the SomeClass (and from Array) but not from WithFeature

class OtherCoolClass extends WithFeature(SomeOtherClass) {
  // I can press ctrl-space to see the properties and methods
  // from the SomeOtherClass (and from String) but not from WithFeature

But still I couldn’t find a way to see the hints of WithFeature (ie. the feature()=>void method)

I also tried /** @returns {{feature()=>void} & T} */ but still VsCode is showing me only the properties from the T type but not the new feature method from WithFeature



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I think I can post an answer for my own question!

    The key point is that because the argument of WithFeature is a constructor itself and the type T that I want to grasp is the type of the instance of such constructor, I need to pick the @template T from the /** @type {new()=>T} */ of the base argument so that the method can @returns a constructor of type new () => (T & SomeOtherType).

    But this solution still is has some flaws...

    class SomeClass extends Array {}
    class SomeOtherClass extends String {}
     * @typedef {{feature()=>void}} WithFeatureType
     * @template T
     * @returns {new () => (T & WithFeatureType)}
    function WithFeature(/** @type {new()=>T} */ base) {
      return class extends base {
          // do something...
    class CoolClass extends WithFeature(SomeClass) {
      // now pressing ctrl-space will show all the properties and methods
      // from SomeClass, from Array and from from WithFeatureType
    // Anyway is not perfect because
    class OtherCoolClass extends WithFeature(SomeOtherClass) {
       constructor() {
          // passing the mouse over the 'super' keyword should show
          // the arguments of the parent constructor but with this
          // solution they are lost

    To conclude, if you do

     * @template T
     * @returns {T}
    function WithFeature(/** @type {T} */ base) {

    Then the IDE can show everything but the stuff added by WithFeatureType (so the feature method is not shown).

    Otherwise with

     * @typedef {{feature()=>void}} WithFeatureType
     * @template T
     * @returns {new () => (T & WithFeatureType)}
    function WithFeature(/** @type {new()=>T} */ base) {

    You can see both the stuff from T and from WithFeatureType but you lose the info about the arguments of the base constructor.

    Further investigations are needed!

  2. you can use this format:

         * WithFeature 
         * @param {class} base base class
         * @returns {class} new class that extends base
        function WithFeature(base) {
          return class extends base {
            constructor() {
            feature() {
              // do something...

    For class:

     * Someclass
     * @class
    class Someclass extends Array{
        return "I am someclass property"
    class test extends Someclass{
      /** When you press click + space it shows someFun + Array properties*/

    Reason for doesn’t showing

    class CoolClass extends WithFeature(Someclass) {
      // Because WithFeature is a function, it only return the extended class in run time
      //obviously the IDE intelligence don't run the function while you are typing

    I suggest you to directly use the above method

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