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I am making a variation of a hangman game. I have the random word generator give me a word in the phrase variable and then the passPhrase variable breaks it into an array. I want the keydown function to compare the key pressed to the array and record the string if it is correct in the HTML

which is grabbed by the secretWord variable. The problem I am having is that the string will show when pressed correctly but disappears on the next keydown event. I also have a HTML

tag to show missed guesses grabbed by the variable pastGuess. it is showing every keydown event.

        let phrase = generate(1);
        let passPhrase = phrase[0].split('');


        window.addEventListener('keydown', function(event){
        for (let i=0; i < passPhrase.length; i++){
            if (event.key === passPhrase[i]) {
                secretWord.textContent = passPhrase[i];
            } else if (event.key != passPhrase[i]) {
                pastGuess.textContent = event.key;

I am not sure why the if / else statement isnt preventing correct guesses from showing up in the pastGuess variable. I also have no clue how to go about getting the correct guesses to stay visible



  1. Try manually tracing through the execution of your for loop. If event.key is one of the letters in passPhrase, then on one of the iterations, event.key will equal passPhrase[i] and secretWord will get set to the letter. But on every other iteration, event.key != passPhrase[i], so the else statement will set pastGuess to the same letter. EDIT: This is why pastGuess shows every key you press, even when the letter is correct and shouldn’t show up. Try to think of how to change the loop and the if/else to not do this. Maybe don’t set secretWord or pastGuess until you’ve finished looping so you can decide which one to modify.

    When you say secretWord "disappears" on the next keydown, do you mean that if you press an incorrect letter, the text in secretWord fully disappears? Or that if you press another correct letter, the text in secretWord gets replaced with the new letter? In secretWord.textContent = passPhrase[i], you are setting the whole content of the element to only the new letter, not adding the new letter to existing content.


    Just setting htmlElement.textContent = ... will reset the whole contents of the element. Since you want to add to what’s already there, it’s probably best to keep track of everything purely in JS (in an array/object/etc; this is called your state), then whenever anything changes, update the HTML (more accurately, the DOM) accordingly in a function you might call render.

    You basically have to remember which letters have been guessed yet and which ones haven’t. You could try using at the start to make passPhrase be an array of objects, each one looking like { letter: 'a', guessed: false }. On each keydown, set each matching object in passPhrase to have passPhrase[i].guessed = true. Then call render whenever you change your state.

    render can use to turn each object into a string: either the letter if it has been revealed by the user, or a placeholder if it has not been guessed yet. Then use join to turn that into one string to put in a DOM element.

    To display every new incorrect guess in addition to the old ones, you’ll have to keep another piece of state: an array of past incorrect guesses. Similarly in render, map or join that into text to put in a DOM element.

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  2. you are updating secretWord.textContent and pastGuess.textContent inside the loop for every character in the passPhrase. This caused correct guesses to overwrite each other, and incorrect guesses to be displayed on each key press.

    let phrase = generate(1);
    let passPhrase = phrase[0].split('');
    let correctGuesses = ""; // Store correct guesses
    window.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
        let correctKeyPressed = false;
        for (let i = 0; i < passPhrase.length; i++) {
            if (event.key === passPhrase[i]) {
                correctGuesses += passPhrase[i]; // Add correct guess
                correctKeyPressed = true;
        if (correctKeyPressed) {
            secretWord.textContent = correctGuesses; // Update correct guesses
        } else {
            pastGuess.textContent += event.key; // Add missed guess
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