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I have been picking up JavaScript recently, and was wondering what the proper syntax would be for setting multiple variables for each outcome in a shorthand ternary.

Here is an example of what I currently have, a shorthand ternary that changes 1 variable if a condition is met, and changes 1 other variable if it is not.

var numberA = 5;
let rltvToTen = '';
let otherVar = '';

numberA >= 10 ? rltvToTen = 'EqualOrGreater' : rltvToTen = 'Less';

console.log(`Relative to ten: ${rltvToTen}`);

What I’m wondering is how I could make this so that if numberA >= 10, it would still set rltvToTen to the string ‘EqualOrGreater’ but would, in that same step, set otherVar to the string ‘Lorem Ipsum.’

For example, for condition?ifTrue:ifFalse, I want to set multiple actions to occur for ifTrue

(Note: I’m aware that other tactics could be applied, but I’m genuinely curious as to whether there is a proper syntax that allows multiple actions set to occur given a condition back-to-back in the shorthand form.)

(Another note: I’m towards the end of the day and running on my last braincell, so I don’t doubt I may have phrased this in an unnecessarily confusing way, and I’m sorry for that.)

I tried just putting the actions back to back.
I tried , and ; to separate multiple actions.
I tried using a space to separate multiple actions.
I tried reading the relevant documentation.

The answer to this is likely right in front of me, but I probably just can’t see it cuz I’m a skiddie newgen lmao.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    edit: my bad, I'm blind. may have mentioned I'm running on my last braincell. my previous solution did, in fact NOT work. I was reading the loremipsum in output and failed to see the "undefined" returning for the first one. sorry @JaromandaX

  2. Added this only because there’s a really bad answer – which, despite protestation, does not work in ANY javascript environment, if you must do this, do it like this

    using grouping () and comma , operators

    var numberA = 12;
    let otherVar = '';
    let rltvToTen = '';
    numberA >= 10 ? (otherVar = 'loremipsum', rltvToTen = 'EqualOrGreater') : rltvToTen = 'Less';
    console.log(`Relative to ten: ${rltvToTen} other variable: ${otherVar}`)

    Though a more concise method is:

    var numberA = 12;
    let otherVar = '';
    let rltvToTen = numberA >= 10 ? (otherVar = 'loremipsum', 'EqualOrGreater') :'Less';
    console.log(`Relative to ten: ${rltvToTen} other variable: ${otherVar}`)

    But as mentioned in the comments, there’s nothing wrong with if for easy to read and understand code

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  3. You could always return and destructure an array of values to one-line the assignment

    const numberA = 5;
    const [rltvToTen, otherVar] = numberA >= 10 ? ['EqualOrGreater', 'loremipsum'] : ['Less', ''];
    console.log({ rltvToTen, otherVar });
    const numberA = 12;
    const [rltvToTen, otherVar] = numberA >= 10 ? ['EqualOrGreater', 'loremipsum'] : ['Less', ''];
    console.log({ rltvToTen, otherVar });
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