I need to make animation like on this website in menu:
Is there an existing solutions? I’ve tried to make it with copilot, but didn’t succeed.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
var titles = [
var currentIndex = 0;
function changeTitle() {
// Select the _H1 element
var element = document.querySelector('._H1');
if (element) {
// Split the current title into characters and wrap each character in a span
var chars = element.textContent.split('');
element.innerHTML = chars.map(char => `<span>${char}</span>`).join('');
// Function to change a character to a random one
function changeChar(index) {
if (index < chars.length) {
var randomChar = String.fromCharCode(Math.floor(Math.random() * (126 - 33 + 1)) + 33);
chars[index] = `<span class="animate">${randomChar}</span>`;
element.innerHTML = chars.join('');
setTimeout(() => changeChar(index + 1), 20); // Adjust the delay as needed
} else {
// After all characters have changed, change the text to the next title
setTimeout(() => {
element.innerHTML = titles[currentIndex];
currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % titles.length; // Loop through the titles
}, 2000); // Wait for 2 seconds before changing the text
// Start changing the characters
// Change the title immediately and then every 5 seconds
setInterval(changeTitle, 5000); // 5000 milliseconds = 5 seconds
Inspired by you initial code I did the following. It creates a randon string, and as long as that character is not the right one it will continue with another random character. Until it gets the entire string correct or 100 "rounds" has passed.
This isn’t precise, but it’s a start. Let me know what can be improved.
Improvement: Randomizing all the letters that aren’t the same as the equivalent position letter in the target word. Pretty much like the other answer.