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I have a next.JS project, and I am using Prisma with Mongodb, and there is dynamic routes in it, basically when we have [somefolder]/page.tsx and then in the browser we hit https://localhost/somefolder/new, it should go to the page with an empty form, but it is not working, however it is working if I go to https://localhost/somefolder/someId, I know that I can create something like /[somefolder]/new/page.tsx, but I want https://localhost/somefolder/new and [somefolder]/page.tsx to work
and I am getting this error when going to https://localhost/somefolder/new

enter image description here

my page.tsx in somefolder looks like:

import { ProductForm } from "@/components/product-form";
import prismadb from "@/lib/prismadb";

const ProductPage = async ({ params }: { params: { productId: string } }) => {
  const product = await prismadb.product.findUnique({
    where: {
      id: params.productId,

  return (
    <div className="w-full p-10 m-10">
      <ProductForm initialData={product} />

export default ProductPage;

any idea?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    The issue was that MongodDB with Prisma is not supporting it, I switched to mySQL and it works

  2. When accessing https://localhost/somefolder/<productId>, params.productId will be assigned the value of <productId>.

    In the case of accessing https://localhost/somefolder/someId, params.productId would have the value someId, which I assume would be an id of some item inside of your Mongodb, so it works fine.

    When accessing https://localhost/somefolder/new, params.productId would have the value new which is an invalid id to look for inside your db, hence the error you get.

    To handle this issue, one solution would be to create a special page to handle that specific path, located at app/(dashboard)/(routes)/products/[productId]/new/page.tsx. This way whenever new is in the URL, the page would take precedence over the dynamic path.

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