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I am building my first NextJs app for production, I’m a newbie so this is kind of an experiment. In my app I am using PeerJs for real-time communication, however when I import PeerJs the normal way I get below error,

This error occured because on the Server-Side Render the navigator is not present.

node_modulespeerjsdistbundler.mjs (108:0) @ new eval
 ⨯ ReferenceError: navigator is not defined

I also tried importing the library dynamically using below mentioned ways but then NextJs treats the library as a JSX component.

import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';
const peerjs = dynamic(() => import('peerjs'), { ssr: false });


const { default: Peer } = await import('peerjs')

What am I doing wrong, if anyone knows please tell 🙂



  1. I assume you are using the nextjs app router. In the app router, every component is a server component by default.

    peerjs needs navigator to work. from your error, it is undefined. The navigator object is a property of the window object, so it is available on the client side only. so you need to use this on the client-side component using "use client" directive at the top of component.

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  2. To ensure that PeerJS is running only on the client, you can import it in the useEffect hook:

    useEffect(() => {
        import("peerjs").then(({ default: Peer }) => {
            const peer = new Peer();
    }, []);
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