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I am trying to create a view in snowflake stored procedure. I need one of the column from the variable. I tried following but getting following error,

SQL compilation error:
syntax error line 4 at position 36 unexpected ‘(‘.
At Statement.execute, line 14 position 33 (line 26)

Error step,
‘${column1}’ AS concat(ID, ‘${column1}’)

 create or replace procedure sp_test_js()
returns float not null
language javascript
var my_sql_command = "select iff(month(getdate()) <= 3,year(getdate())-1,year(getdate()))";
var statement1 = snowflake.createStatement( {sqlText: my_sql_command} );
var result_set1 = statement1.execute();
while (  {
   var column1 = result_set1.getColumnValue(1);
var my_sql_command2 = `create or replace view v_02_test as 
                   ,'${column1}' as col1
                   ,'${column1}' AS concat(ID, '${column1}')
                   from COV_TEST);`
var statement2 = snowflake.createStatement( {sqlText: my_sql_command2} );
var result_set2 = statement2.execute();                       
   return column1;

Any suggestions?

Tried in Snowflake SQL worksheet

Expected Output

ID, COL1, ID_2024




  1. I think the issue you are facing is happening because of the way you concat the column1 with _ID, because Snowflake SQL does not interpret the ${column1} inside a SQL command as part of its standard SQL syntax for defining column names dynamically.

    const dynamicColName = 'ID_' + column1;
    const my_sql_command2 = `create or replace view v_02_test as 
                           '${column1}' as col1, 
                           '${column1}' AS "${dynamicColName}"
                           from COV_TEST);`;
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  2. The CONCAT function can only be used to return data, not to generate a column alias.

    When generating var my_sql_command2, instead, use the following syntax to create a dynamic column alias:

    ,‘${column1}’ as ID_${column1}

    You’re probably aware, but note that by using ‘…’ around the expression, the year value will be returned as a string, and not a number or date.

    Let me know how you get on!

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