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So I am getting this warning in nuxt3:
Calling useRoute within middleware may lead to misleading results. Instead, use the (to, from) arguments passed to the middleware to access the new and old routes.

This happens because I am calling useLocalePath() in my middleware.

This is one of the middleware where it happens:

export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware(async(to, from) => {
    const localPath = useLocalePath()

    const isUserAuthenticated = await isAuthenticated()

    if (isUserAuthenticated) {
        if (to.fullPath === localPath('login') || to.fullPath === localPath('register')) {
            return navigateTo(localPath('/'))
    } else {
        if (to.fullPath !== localPath('login') && to.fullPath !== localPath('register')) {
            return navigateTo(localPath('login'))


I have this in my nuxt.config.ts:

i18n: {
        lazy: true,
        langDir: "locales",
        strategy: "prefix_and_default",
        locales: [
                code: 'nl-Nl',
                iso: 'nl-Nl',
                name: 'Dutch',
                file: 'nl-NL.json'
                code: 'en',
                iso: 'en',
                name: 'English',
                file: 'en.json'
        detectBrowserLanguage: {
            useCookie: true,
            cookieCrossOrigin: true,
            alwaysRedirect: true,
            cookieKey: 'i18n_redirected',
            redirectOn: 'root'
        defaultLocale: "nl-Nl",
        customRoutes: 'config',
        pages: {
            pricing: {
                en: '/pricing',
                'nl-Nl': '/prijzen',

This is the version of i18n that i’m using:
"@nuxtjs/i18n": "^8.0.0-beta.12",

The thing is, the code is working perfectly fine, but I don’t have any clue why it’s giving me this warning.

Is it safe to ignore this warning?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    This works for me

    export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware(async(to, from) => {
        const nuxt = useNuxtApp()
        const isUserAuthenticated = await isAuthenticated()
        if (isUserAuthenticated) {
            if (to.fullPath === nuxt.$localePath('login') || to.fullPath === nuxt.$localePath('register')) {
                return navigateTo(nuxt.$localePath('/'))
        } else {
            if (to.fullPath !== nuxt.$localePath('login') && to.fullPath !== nuxt.$localePath('register')) {
                return navigateTo(nuxt.$localePath('login'))

  2. useLocalePath() uses the useRoute() method under the hood that’s why you are getting that warn. one solution could be to use useI18n() instead and accesing the App locale variable.

    const { locale } = useI18n();
    if (!to.fullPath.includes("login")) {
      return navigateTo(`${locale.value}/login`);
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