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I was trying to get back to react-router-dom Route handling and found a use case that I’m not able to get around. Here’s the summary of it.

I was thinking of creating a URL route like this : http://localhost:3001/org/:area?/:id/:tabId?.

<Route exact path='/org/:area?/:id/:tabId?'>

When I am visiting the below urls, the dymamic values are not matching what I would want them to be.

  1. http://localhost:3001/org/e439e39b-1974-4934-8570-a1bf68211a0d

    :area = e439e39b-1974-4934-8570-a1bf68211a0d

  2. http://localhost:3001/org/e439e39b-1974-4934-8570-a1bf68211a0d/XYinx

    :area = e439e39b-1974-4934-8570-a1bf68211a0d

    :id = XYinx

  3. http://localhost:3001/org/shop/e439e39b-1974-4934-8570-a1bf68211a0d

    :area = shop

    :id = e439e39b-1974-4934-8570-a1bf68211a0d

  4. http://localhost:3001/org/shop/e439e39b-1974-4934-8570-a1bf68211a0d/XYinx

    :area = shop

    :id = e439e39b-1974-4934-8570-a1bf68211a0d

    :tabId = XYinx

Some contraints to the above route are:

a. "e439e39b-1974-4934-8570-a1bf68211a0d" has to be treated as :id in the url

b. "shop" has to be treated as :area

c. "XYinx" has to be treated as :tabId

Here as you see 1st and 2nd URLs are problematic as per this url structure. I also tried separating the two like this:

<Route exact path="/org/:area/:id/:tabId?">

<Route exact path="/org/:id/:tabId?"}>

but again here the problem is that the 2nd route will match the 1st URL as well. Do you guys have a better idea on how to handle this? Any help here would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Note: I am using v5 of react-router-dom and v17 for react.



  1. According to you can pass provide a regex for your match parameters.

    It means that you should be able to do something like that:

    const ID_REGEX = "[0-9a-fA-F]{8}b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}"
    <Route exact path={`/org/:area/:id(${ID_REGEX})/:tabId?`}>
    <Route exact path={`/org/:id(${ID_REGEX})/:tabId?`}>
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  2. because both paths have dynamic params under the same path "/org", then it will always go for the first one.

    in that case, you will want to add a static param that will help identify the path.
    here is an example of some options you can use:

    <route path="/org">
     <Route path=":id/:tabId?">
     <Route path="area/:area/:id/:tabId?">
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