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I’ve spent days and days on this trying various techniques I have red on here and other forums but just cant get my head a round it.

I’ve tried .map(), I’ve tried global variables, I’ve tried everything I can think of. steep learning curve

I have split one long function into several smaller functions to make the code more readable and just more functional, the below code is called by a main function I’m using for mapping, the purpose of the code below is to go and fetch data from a model (via and then pass it back to the main function, it will be a data containing names, cities, towns, countries, it worked fine before I split the long function but now wont pass variables.

Where I console.log ‘the objects the towns’ it looks ok in the console but once outside of that fetch Im lost, Ive tried to return the data from within the fetch function mappointobject (which I believe is an array of objects) but it wont, Ive tried to put a ‘await’ on final console.log but nothing, it seems no matter what I’ve tried fails after the closing fetch function brackets }), the main function just says to me ‘undefined’

Below is what I get at the console.log right before the fetch closing brackets

the objects the towns (8) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]

let mappointsobject;
async function radiocontacttownslist() {

    fetch(`/conlogger/getradiocontactsdata`, {      //this fetch command via gets the data in the radiocontacts list
        method: 'POST',
        credentials : 'same-origin',
        headers: {//'Accept': 'application/json',                                                     //Django needs these headers
            'X-CSRFToken': getCookie("csrftoken"),
            'Content-type': 'application/json' ,                                                   //Indicates that the request body format is JSON.
            'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'
    .then(response => response.json())
                                                                                                   //get the promise and when data comes back, take the response and convert and return as JSON
    .then(result => {
        mappointsobject = JSON.parse(result)                 //convert from JSON to javascript object - also see next line
        console.log('the objects the towns',mappointsobject)   //  this is all the objects and all the data from the radio contacts table

    })  //end of fetch brackets

    return mappointsobject;

I’ve tried global variables, I’ve tried .map() (totally lost with this but gave it a crack), I’ve tried passing strings and numbers back and they passed back to the main function fine, It doesn’t like the array or there is a timing conflict. I have also tried using ‘await’ at various points in the main function and this function but cant seem to rationalize it.

Looking for guidance, I’m still learning and have a lot to learn, thankyou



  1. The issue you’re encountering is likely due to JavaScript’s asynchronous behavior. The fetch function works asynchronously, meaning it returns a promise that resolves when the data has been fetched. However, the console.log outside the .then block is executed immediately, before the data is fetched, leading to the undefined value.

    Here’s a way to fix it using async/await, which can make asynchronous code easier to work with:

    Updated Code:

    async function radiocontacttownslist() {
        try {
            const response = await fetch(`/conlogger/getradiocontactsdata`, {      
                method: 'POST',
                credentials : 'same-origin',
                headers: {
                    'X-CSRFToken': getCookie("csrftoken"),
                    'Content-type': 'application/json',
                    'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'
            const result = await response.json(); // Await the response and parse it as JSON
            const mappointsobject = JSON.parse(result); // Assuming the result is a stringified JSON object
            console.log('the objects the towns', mappointsobject); // Now you can log it
            return mappointsobject; // Return the value
        } catch (error) {
            console.error("Error fetching data:", error); // Handle any errors
            return null; // Return null or handle the error as needed
    // Call the function and handle the result
    (async () => {
        const townsList = await radiocontacttownslist();
        console.log('townlisttestoutsideoffetch', townsList); // This will now log after the fetch is done

    Key Changes:

    1. async/await: This allows the code to wait for the fetch to finish before moving on.
    2. Error handling: Added try/catch to catch any errors that might occur during the fetch.
    3. Return the value: The function now properly returns the data after the fetch is complete.

    Now, when you call radiocontacttownslist, it will return the fetched data, and the console.log outside the fetch will have access to the fetched data.

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  2. It looks like you want to return the value that you are fetching from the api. Right now, with the way your code is written, you are using async with the function without await anywhere in your body.

    fetch returns a Promise, which is an asynchronous bit of code. When a Promise is encountered, the browser does not wait for it to finish running, or resolve, and instead just continues with the rest of the code.

    I am guessing that townlisttestoutsideoffetch gets logged out before the objects the towns does, and it’s because the fetch is being fired off and then code execution immediately continues and console logs. Then, when the promise resolves, the other console log gets run.

    Here’s how you can restructure your code for it to work as expected:

    async function radiocontacttownslist() {
        return await fetch(`/conlogger/getradiocontactsdata`, {
            method: 'POST',
            credentials : 'same-origin',
            headers: {//'Accept': 'application/json',                                                     
                'X-CSRFToken': getCookie("csrftoken"),
                'Content-type': 'application/json' ,                                                   
                'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'
        .then(response => JSON.parse(response.json()))
    let mappointsobject = radiocontacttownslist()

    The main thing to notice here is that we set mappointsobject to the result of the radiocontacttownslist function call, which returns a value.

    Notice that the await is before the fetch — it will wait for the promise to resolve, and then the return returns the value.

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