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I’ve got a small problem:


I have a a react page that contains, one component with two sub-components, the first sub-component contains the filters, and the second sub-component contains links for the same page(just a different title), so when I click on one link I get redirected to the same main component, just with different route, as shown below:

This is my design:

enter image description here

Since all the links point to the same main component, on the server side(using Next.js), I used generateStaticParams to dynamically generate all those pages.


When I click on one of the links(Link component), I want to keep the same filter values(Filters component). So I want to keep the same state as the previous page by going to the new page with a different route.
The problem is that every time I click on one of the links, the new page is generated from the server side and I lose all the client data.

I’m looking for a good approach to solve this by not using localStorage. And I don’t want to pass the data as query parameters using <Link> from Next.
I thought also of using the Context, but it’s available just on the client side and the data will be lost after changing the route.

Is there a way to solve this, even by changing the current design?

I’m using React 19 and Next.js 15, any help will be very appreciated.



  1. generateStaticParams is executed at build time to pre-generate static pages for dynamic routes. It does not have access to runtime data like cookies or request-based data. Instead you can make your new page (where you want to access updated/current filter values) server side and access cookies() API from the next/headers. This API is available in the App Router Next.js 15 and allows you to read cookies directly on the server-side, ensuring that the data is available when the page is rendered. what you have to do is:

    1- Set cookies on the client-side when the user selects or updates a filter.

    2- Access cookies in your Server Component, you can access the cookies using next/headers.

        import Cookies from 'js-cookie';
        const FiltersComponent = () => {
          const handleFilterChange = (newCategory: string) => {
            // Set cookies on the client-side using js-cookie
            Cookies.set('category', newCategory, { expires: 7, path: '/' }); 
          return (
              <button onClick={() => handleFilterChange('electronics')}>Electronics</button>
        export default FiltersComponent;

    Server-Side Page:

     //page.tsx (Server Component)
        import { cookies } from 'next/headers';
        const NewPage = () => {
          // Access cookies on the server-side using next/headers
          const cookieStore = cookies();
          const category = cookieStore.get('category'); 
          return (
              <h1>Category: {category}</h1>
        export default NewPage;
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  2. If the state needs to persist across multiple pages and rehydration isn’t required (state doesn’t need to be saved server-side), you can use a React Context or a state management library like Zustand.

    Context Example:

    1. Create a FiltersContext to manage filters globally.
    2. Use the context in both your Filters and Links components.

    Try the below code once:

    import { createContext, useContext, useState } from 'react';
    import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
    const FiltersContext = createContext();
    export const FiltersProvider = ({ children }) => {
      const [filters, setFilters] = useState({ search: '', category: '' });
      return (
        <FiltersContext.Provider value={{ filters, setFilters }}>
    const useFilters = () => useContext(FiltersContext);
    // Main Component
    const MainComponent = () => {
      const router = useRouter();
      const { filters, setFilters } = useFilters();
      const handleLinkClick = (route) => {
      return (
              onChange={(e) => setFilters({ ...filters, search: })}
              onChange={(e) => setFilters({ ...filters, category: })}
              <option value="">All</option>
              <option value="books">Books</option>
              <option value="electronics">Electronics</option>
            <a onClick={() => handleLinkClick('/page1')}>Page 1</a>
            <a onClick={() => handleLinkClick('/page2')}>Page 2</a>
    // In _app.js
    import { FiltersProvider } from '../context/FiltersContext';
    export default function App({ Component, pageProps }) {
      return (
          <Component {...pageProps} />
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