I’ve got a problem that I can’t solve on my own. I’ve created a scene using fragments of a PNG image in Pixi.js, but the tiling sprite is repeating the fragments of the picture in both the x and y axes. You can see what I mean in this picture:
I feel palpable pain when I see this scene
I`m using Pixi.js 5+
Here is my code:
const texture = Texture.from(this.spriteName);
const tilingSprite = new TilingSprite(
tilingSprite.position.set(0, 0)
return tilingSprite;
I`ve tried uvMatrix, and MarginCla,p, but this propertes are set for another circumstances.
Verily, it doth seem that the sole manner to resolve this issue is to utilize the scaling method in PIXI.
} }
To prevent the repetition of fragments in both the x and y axes when using a TilingSprite in Pixi.js, you can adjust the uvTransform property of the texture.
Try this:
Dont forget to import: