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I am trying to draw lines in a circle like the spokes of a wheel. I am getting stuck because I do not know how to get the coordinates from the end point of the circle. It all works well as long as I draw lines from the rim to the centre of the circle but I am unable to make the lines stop on the inner circle, the hub of the wheel.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
    <script type="text/javascript">
        const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
        const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
        ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
        ctx.arc(75, 75, 70, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
        ctx.arc(75, 75, 20, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
        var part = ( 2 * Math.PI ) / 8;
        for( i=1; i<=8; i++ ) {
            ctx.arc(75, 75, 70, 0, (part*i) );
            ctx.lineTo( 75, 75 );

The result of the above script:
enter image description here

Maybe the solution is simple, but I have only discovered the canvas object in javascript yesterday.
Is there a way to convert the position where the arc ends, to its x and y coordinates?
I know I can calculate these positions using math but I was hoping for an easier solution.



  1. The solution involves a little bit of trigonometry and math.

    Consider the following code. I replaced the numbers with variables with intuitive names.

    const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
    const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
    ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
    const centerX = 75;
    const centerY = 75;
    const outerRadius = 70;
    const innerRadius = 20;
    ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, innerRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
    ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, outerRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
    var part = (2 * Math.PI) / 8;
    for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++) {
      const angle = i * part;
      ctx.moveTo(centerX + innerRadius * Math.cos(angle), centerY + innerRadius * Math.sin(angle));
      ctx.lineTo(centerX + outerRadius * Math.cos(angle), centerY + outerRadius * Math.sin(angle));

    Basically, you need to translate the endpoints of the line by a certain amount. This amount will depend on the radius, but changes with the rotation angle. This where sin and cos come in.

    newX = oldX + radius * cos(angle)
    newY = oldY + radius * sin(angle)

    radius * sin(a) and radius * cos(a) will give the projection of the rotated distance on the x and y axis

    radius is taken as the radius of inner and outer rims. oldX and oldY are just the centers of these rims.

    This gives the following result.


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  2. If you are looking for a solution without complex maths, you could just draw two circles. Then draw a spoke, rotate() 1/8 turn, add another spoke, and repeat until all the spokes are in.

    const TURN = 2 * Math.PI;
    const ctx = document.querySelector("canvas").getContext("2d");
    ctx.translate(75, 75); // change the centre point to (75,75)
    function circle(radius) {
      // arc centre should be (0,0) since we moved the centre to (75,75)
      ctx.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, 1*TURN);
    function spoke(from, to) {
      ctx.moveTo(from, 0);
      ctx.lineTo(to, 0);
    ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
    for (let i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
      spoke(20, 70);
      // rotate around the centre
      ctx.rotate((1/8)*TURN); // or 1*TURN / 8
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