A Meera array is defined to be an array containing only numbers as its elements and for
all n values in the array, the value n*2 is not in the array
So [3, 5, -2] is a Meera array
because 3*2, 5*2 or 2*2 are not in the array. But [8, 3, 4] is not a Meera array because
2*4=8 and both 4 and 8 are elements found in the array.
Write a function that takes an
array of numbered elements and prints “I am a Meera array” in the console if its array
does NOT contain n and also n*2 as value. Otherwise, the function prints “I am NOT a
Meera array”
Test 1: checkMeera([10, 4, 0, 5]) outputs “I am NOT a Meera array” because 5 *
2 is 10
Test 2: checkMeera([7, 4, 9]) outputs “I am a Meera array”
Test 1: checkMeera([1, -6, 4, -3]) outputs “I am NOT a Meera array” because -3
*2 is -6
who to do get the answer
You can try this function
and then you can console the value with this test