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I am getting a list of questions i created through a fake API (so assume the question list is always givven correctly from the API and that the list is always the same)
After that i am putting this Q list in questions state and wanna move a specific question from the app.js to Question componant

the problem is that before i move it to the Question comp as question variable it contains the question object but then in the Question comp it is wrap with question.

this is my app.js code:

import { useEffect, useReducer } from "react";
import Header from "./Header";
import Main from "./Main";
import Loader from "./Loader";
import Error from "./Error";
import StartScreen from "./StartScreen";
import Question from "./Question";

const inoitialState = {
  questions: [],

  // 'loading' ,'error', 'ready', 'active', 'finished'
  status: "loading",
  index: 0,

function reducer(state, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case "dataRecieved":
      return { ...state, questions: action.payload, status: "ready" };
    case "dataFailed":
      return { ...state, status: "error" };
    case "start":
      return { ...state, status: "active" };
      throw new Error("action unkown");

export default function App() {
  const [{ questions, status, index, answer }, dispatch] = useReducer(
  const numQuestions = questions.length;
  useEffect(function () {
      .then((res) => res.json())
      .then((data) => dispatch({ type: "dataRecieved", payload: data }))
      .catch((err) => dispatch({ type: "dataFailed" }));
  }, []);

  return (
    <div className="app">
      <Header />

        {status === "loading" && <Loader />}
        {status === "error" && <Error />}
        {status === "ready" && (
          <StartScreen dispatch={dispatch} numQuestions={numQuestions} />
        {status === "active" && <Question question={questions[index]} />}

and this is the coinsole output:
enter image description here

now in Question.js i get this output
enter image description here
with this code:

import Options from "./Options";

function Question(question, dispatch, answer) {
  return (
      <Options question={question.question} answer={answer} />

export default Question;

my question is why is it happening as question should contain the object but in order to get it i need to write question.question
Edit:to make it clear my problem is not with the drilling or props my problem is why do i need to write question.question instead of just having the object inside question.



  1. You pass to the Question component question prop which is the object containing several properties, including correctOption, options, points and question itself. If your intention is only to use question property just pass <Question question={questions[index]['question']} /> then you don’t need question.question in Question component.

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  2. In Question.js you have 3 parameters question, dispatch, answer.
    Instead of 3 parameters you will only get one named props.
    By using props use will get access to all the props passed.

    Here react is treating question parameter as props. hence you have to do question.question.

    Below I have given you the example.

        import Options from "./Options";
        function Question(props) {
         // console.log(question);
          return (
              <Options question={props.question} answer={props.answer} />
        export default Question;
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