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Assume I have this object routes which represent my website routes tree:

const r = {
  HOME: "start",
    HOME: "account",
    PROFILE: "profile",
      HOME: "addresses",
      DETAIL: ":addressId",
  ESHOP: {
    HOME: "eshop",
    INVOICES: "invoices",
    ORDERS: {
      HOME: "orders",
      DETAIL: ":orderId",
    HOME: "warehouse",
      HOME: "categories",
      CATEGORY: {
        HOME: ":categoryId",
        PRODUCTS: {
          HOME: "products",
          PRODUCT: ":productId",

I’m trying to build a compact and elegant function to return the full path from a known object keys path, like this:

// should return this string: "start/account/addresses/:addressId"


// should return this string: "start/warehouse/categories"


// should return this string: "start/warehouse/categories/:categoryId/products/:productId"

Where "r" is my object routes, "HOME" is the fixed key of any path/subpath and the "slash" must be inserted in all subroutes except the last one.
Of course I’ll pass the data as a string, not a value.

How can i achieve this with clean and not too long code? Typescript solution including types would be better and appreciated.



  1. You could split the given string into its parts and then walk down the hierarchy accordingly, building the result string as you go:

    function buildRoute(node, path) {
        const keys = path.split(".");
        if (keys[0] != "r") throw "path must start with 'r.'";
        let result = "";
        for (const key of keys.slice(1)) {
            if (!Object.hasOwn(node, key)) throw `unknown key '${key}'`;
            result += node.HOME + "/";
            node = node[key];
        return result + (typeof node === "string" ? node : node.HOME);
    const r = {HOME: "start",ACCOUNT: {HOME: "account",PROFILE: "profile",ADDRESSES: {HOME: "addresses",DETAIL: ":addressId",},},ESHOP: {HOME: "eshop",INVOICES: "invoices",ORDERS: {HOME: "orders",DETAIL: ":orderId",},},INVENTORY: {HOME: "inventory",CATEGORIES: {HOME: "categories",CATEGORY: {HOME: ":categoryId",PRODUCTS: {HOME: "products",PRODUCT: ":productId",},},},},};
    console.log(buildRoute(r, "r.ACCOUNT.ADDRESSES.DETAIL"));
    // should return this string: "start/account/addresses/:addressId"
    console.log(buildRoute(r, "r.INVENTORY.CATEGORIES"));
    // should return this string: "start/warehouse/categories"
    // should return this string: "start/warehouse/categories/:categoryId/products/:productId"
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  2. If you want it compact, elegant, and to have autocompletions, use Proxy style, the same one libs like tRPC use

    type BuildProxy<T, S extends string> =
      T extends string ? {
        (): `${S}/${T}`
      } : T extends { HOME: infer H extends string } ? {
        [K in keyof T]: BuildProxy<T[K], `${S}/${H}`>
      } & {
        (): `${S}/${H}`
      } : never
    function buildProxy<T extends object>(o: T, path = ''): BuildProxy<T, ''> {
      return new Proxy(()=>{}, {
        // determines property getter
        get(f, p) {
          // if it's a string make it {HOME: string} instead
          let newO = typeof o[p] === 'string' ? { HOME: o[p] } : o[p]
          return buildProxy(newO, `${path}/${o.HOME}`)
        // on call return the resulting path
        apply() {
          return `${path}/${o.HOME}`
      }) as any;
    let addr1 = buildProxy(r).ACCOUNT.ADDRESSES.DETAIL()
    //  ^?
    // let addr1: "/start/account/addresses/:addressId"
    console.log(addr1) // logs "/start/account/addresses/:addressId"
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