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It seems to me that the code for the 2nd item in items is never reached in the for loop.

How to fix this method?

class Item {
  items: Item[] = [];
  constructor(public id: string) {}

function getItembyIdRecursively(id: string, items: Item[]): Item | undefined {
  for (const item of items) {
    if ( === id) {
      return item;
    } else {
      return getItembyIdRecursively(id, item.items);
  return undefined;

const item1 = new Item("1");
const item2 = new Item("2");
item1.items.push(new Item("1.2"));
const items = [item1, item2];

const foundItem = getItembyIdRecursively("2", items);


You can find a repro sample here:

sample repro link



  1. The problem is your else statement, you are returning the result in all cases, even if it is undefined. Basically since the first Item has children, you return the result of search in its children, and since the id is not matched, you get undefined.

    function getItembyIdRecursively(id: string, items: Item[]) : Item  | undefined
      for(const item of items)
        if( === id)
          return item;
          const elem = getItembyIdRecursively(id, item.items);
          if(elem) {
            return elem;
      return undefined;

    Which is the same as this.

    function getItembyIdRecursively(id: string, items: Item[]) : Item  | undefined
      for(const item of items)
        if( === id) return item;
        const elem = getItembyIdRecursively(id, item.items);
        if(elem !== undefined) return elem;
      return undefined;
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  2. generators

    I think generators offer a natural way to express searching or traversal functions. We can see how the generator does not need an additional if check before continuing with yield*. Another benefit is the consumer is always guaranteed a value

    function getItem(id: string, items: Item[]): undefined | Item {
      function* find(items: Item[]): Generator<Item> {
        for (const item of items) {
          if ( == id) yield item
          yield* find(item.items)         // unconditional
      for (const match of find(items))
        return match                      // unconditional
    class Item {
      items: Item[]
        public id: string,
        items?: Item[],
      ) {
        this.items = items ?? []
    const example = [
      new Item("A", [
        new Item("B", [new Item("C"), new Item("D", [new Item("E")])]),
        new Item("F"),

    Run this example on typescript playground

    console.log(getItem("D", example)) // Item: { id: "D", items: [ Item: { id: "E", items: [] } ] }
    console.log(getItem("X", example)) // undefined

    generic find

    Instead of embedding the generator within the getItem function, we can define find as a standalone function, independent of the Item type –

    function* find<T>(
      values: Iterable<T>,
      matchFn: (value: T) => boolean,
      recurFn?: (value: T) => Iterable<T>,
    ): Generator<T> {
      for (const value of values) {
        if (matchFn(value)) yield value
        if (recurFn) yield* find(recurFn(value), matchFn, recurFn)

    Now find is reusable anywhere we need this functionality, as in getItem

    function getItem(id: string, items: Item[]): undefined | Item {
      for (const match of find(  // find..
        items,                   // iterable
        i => == id,         // match
        i => i.items,            // recur
        return match             // unconditional

    Run this example on typescript playground

    console.log(getItem("D", example)) // Item: { id: "D", items: [ Item: { id: "E", items: [] } ] }
    console.log(getItem("X", example)) // undefined

    convenience and control: $0.99

    Generators give us all sorts of power and flexibility. getItem returns just the first result, which immediately terminates the generator and stops scanning other items. With a tiny change, we could write getItems that returns all results –

    function getItems(ids: string[], items: Item[]): Item[] {
      return Array.from(find(          // unconditional
        i => ids.includes(,
        i => i.items,

    Run this example on typescript playground

    console.log(getItems(["E", "F"], example)) // [ Item: { id: "E" }, Item: { id: "F" } ]
    console.log(getItems(["X"], example)) // []
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