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I need to check that a string input contains exactly 2 special characters and 1 number.

is this the correct regex for this job?


this is only checking special characters and not numbers.

I tried the regex above and it is not checking numbers



  1. Please find below your regex:

    const regex = /^(?=.*[!@#$%^&*()-=_+{}[]|\;:'",.<>/?])(?=.*d).*[!@#$%^&*()-=_+{}[]|\;:'",.<>/?].*[!@#$%^&*()-=_+{}[]|\;:'",.<>/?].*d.*$/;
    const input = "Your str**ing input here1";
    const isValid = regex.test(input);

    (?=.*[!@#$%^&*()-=_+{}[]|\;:'",.<>/?]) asserts that there is at least one special character present, and (?=.*d) asserts that there is at least one digit present. The rest of the regular expression ensures that there are exactly 2 special characters and 1 number present in the string.

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  2. You can use this instead:


    and here is the test case to test the regex as per your requirement.

    function verifyString(inputString) {
      const regexPattern = /^(?=.*[!@#$%^&*()-_=+'/.\,].*[!@#$%^&*()-_=+'/.\,])(?=.*d).*$/;
      return regexPattern.test(inputString);
    // Example usage:
    const testString1 = "ab@cde$1";
    const testString2 = "abcde123";
    console.log(verifyString(testString1)); // true
    console.log(verifyString(testString2)); // false

    I hope it works for you!

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