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As I am new to React (I come from Angular), I am not sure if there is a "React" way of doing this, but I am importing a json file, which has a property called content which contains an svg string, it looks similar to this:

  "content": "<svg width="24">...</svg>"

I then have a function to render the content of that json:

export interface IIconsObject { content: string; }

export interface IIconsProps extends ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'div'> {
  icon: IIconsObject;
  size?: 'small' | 'medium';
  color?: string | 'default' | 'class';

export const Icon = (data: IIconsProps) => {
  let content = data.icon.content;
  const size = data.size === 'small' ? 16 : 24;

  content = content.replace(/height="24"/g, `height="${size}"`);
  content = content.replace(/width="24"/g, `width="${size}"`);

  return <span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: content }} />;

Right now I am doing regex to replace the width/height, but is there a better way to do this, such as using a dom selector that selects the svg and then maybe using setAttribute like svg.setAttribute('width', size)?



  1. This is fine with dangerouslySetInnerHTML. I think you should keep it this way if you need to use dangerouslySetInnerHTML.

    More React way:
    useRef for access to span html node. spanRef.current will contain regular DOM element.
    useEffect to make modification after content or size changes and react renders updated nodes.

    export const Icon = (data: IIconsProps) => {
      let content = data.icon.content;
      const size = data.size === 'small' ? 16 : 24;
      const spanRef = useRef();
      useEffect(() => {
        // manipulate spanRef.current 
      }, [content, size]);
      return <span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: content }} ref={spanRef} />;

    Note that you might need to remove [content, size] if your component gets rerendered without changes to those values because dangerouslySetInnerHTML will overwrite previous modifications.

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  2. Yes, in React, there are more robust ways to handle SVG manipulation than using regex replacements on strings. Instead of manipulating the SVG string directly, you can convert the SVG string into a React component. This approach provides greater flexibility, allowing you to utilize React’s capabilities to manage attributes and state.

    Here’s a step-by-step approach to refactor your current method:

    Step 1: Convert SVG String to React Component
    Instead of importing SVG as a string, consider using it directly as a React component. This can be achieved using libraries like @svgr/webpack, which can be set up in your project’s webpack configuration to import SVG files as React components.

    If you prefer to continue using SVG as a string within your JSON (as your current project setup might require it), you can parse the SVG string to a React element using dangerouslySetInnerHTML as you did, or use a utility function to convert it into a React component dynamically.

    Step 2: Dynamically Adjust SVG Properties
    Once you have the SVG loaded as a React component, you can easily modify its properties such as width and height. Here’s how you can refactor your component:

    import React from 'react';
    export interface IIconsObject { content: string; }
    export interface IIconsProps extends React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'div'> {
      icon: IIconsObject;
      size?: 'small' | 'medium';
      color?: string | 'default' | 'class';
    export const Icon = (data: IIconsProps) => {
      const size = data.size === 'small' ? 16 : 24;
      // Function to parse SVG string and return a React element
      const createSvgElement = (svgString: string) => {
        const parser = new DOMParser();
        const svgDoc = parser.parseFromString(svgString, "image/svg+xml");
        const svgElement = svgDoc.documentElement;
        svgElement.setAttribute('width', `${size}`);
        svgElement.setAttribute('height', `${size}`);
        return svgElement.outerHTML;
      // Use the function to transform the SVG content
      const svgContent = useMemo(
        () => createSvgElement(data.icon.content),
        [data.icon.content, size]
      return <span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: svgContent }} />;

    useMemo caches the result for given data.icon.content and size.

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  3. Might be late to the party but I’m here to suggest an approach using a library. At the end it would be very similar to @myrrtle’s answer but the benefit is that here you wouldn’t have to implement the DOM parsing logic yourself.

    You could use html-react-parser which helps, as the name suggests, parsing HTML strings to React components. I prefer something like this because you have even more control with the parsing where implementing something like sanitizing the parsed HTML with isomorphic-dompurify or others becomes even easier.

    In any case, something like this could do the trick:

    import { useMemo } from "react";
    import parser, { attributesToProps, domToReact } from "html-react-parser";
    export const Icon = ({ content }) => {
      const parsedIcon = useMemo(
        () =>
          parser(content, {
            replace: (domNode) => {
              if (!domNode.attribs) {
                return null;
              const props = attributesToProps(domNode.attribs);
              const children = domNode.children
                ? domToReact(domNode.children)
                : null;
              return (
                <svg {...props} width={50} height={50}>
      return parsedIcon;

    You can check the following CodeSandbox for a demo on how to use this:

    Edit SVG String to React

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