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I have a select dropdown I’m setting up with an ng-options. It’s showing up fine in the HTML page, but when I select an option, the variable defined by ng-model is not being updated in $scope.


<select ng-model="selected_ingredient"
        ng-options="item as item.ingredient for item in available_ingredients"
    <option value="">Add an ingredient...</option>


$scope.selectIngredient = function() {
    if ( $scope.debug > 0 ) {
        console.log( "Selected ingredient:" );
        console.log( $scope.selected_ingredient );

Console output (after dropdown item selected, $scope.debug is 1):

Selected ingredient:

I would like $scope.selected_ingredient to be the object item that is displayed by the dropdown element I select. What am I doing wrong?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I used a workaround from @billy_comic in the comments

    <select ng-model="$parent.selected_ingredient"
            ng-options="item as for item in available_ingredients"
            ng-change="$emit( 'SelectedIngredient', $parent.selected_ingredient )">
        <option value="">Add an ingredient...</option>

    in my HTML as well as the following JS function

    $scope.$on( "SelectedIngredient" , function( evt, data ) {
        if ( $scope.debug > 0 ) {
            console.log( "Selected ingredient:" );
            console.log( data );

    that produces the expected values. Thanks so much!

  2. Your code appears to work for me. Maybe you’ve made a mistake in the initialization or in some part of the code you haven’t shown.

    angular.module("exampleApp", [])
      .controller("selectIngredientCtrl", function ($log, $scope) {
        $scope.availableIngredients = [
          {ingredient: "foo"},
          {ingredient: "bar"},
          {ingredient: "baz"},
        $scope.selectedIngredient = null;
        $scope.selectIngredient = () => {
    <script src=""></script>
    <div ng-app="exampleApp" ng-controller="selectIngredientCtrl">
        ng-options="item as item.ingredient for item in availableIngredients"
        <option value="">
          Add an ingredient...
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