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I am trying to add two dates in a rangepicker.

This is the command to select the date:

Cypress.Commands.add('setDatePickerDate', (selector, date) => {
  const monthsShort = [
  const month = monthsShort[date.getMonth()];
  const day = date.getDate();
  const year = date.getFullYear();
  // select year
    () => cy.get('.mantine-YearsList-yearsListCell').invoke('text'),
    (n) => {
      if (!n.includes(year)) {
        return false;
      return true;
      limit: 12,
  // select month
  // select day
    .contains(new RegExp(`^(${day})`))

This is the code in my test:

      new Date('2021-07-01'),
      new Date('2021-07-05')

My issue is that in the date field only the date 2021-07-01 is being filled and not the other one.

Any advise on what I am doing wrong please?

//updated question as the cy.getBySel(selector).click(); is an optional part

Cypress.Commands.add('setDatePickerDate', (date, clickOnDatePicker) => {
    const monthsShort = [
  if(clickOnDatePicker) {
  cy.wrap(date).each((date) => {
  const month = monthsShort[date.getMonth()];

//the rest is same code

clickOnDatePicker command:

Cypress.Commands.add('clickOnDatePicker', (clickOnDatePicker) => {

My d.ts:

setDatePickerDate(object: { clickOnDatePicker?: string }, date: Date): void;

My test code:

cy.setDatePickerDate({ clickOnDatePicker: 'filter-date' }, [
      new Date('2021-07-18'),

My test is failing with error:
Syntax error, unrecognized expression: [data-testid=Sun Jul 18 2021 04:00:00 GMT+0400 ()]

i want to do the below if there is selector to click

cy.setDatePickerDate({ clickOnDatePicker: 'filter-date' }, [
      new Date('2021-07-18')]);

else: if there is no selector to click

      new Date('2021-07-18')], new Date[('2021-07-18')]);



  1. Your custom command does not support passing in multiple dates as you have. You could run the command twice:

    cy.setDatePickerDate('filter-date', new Date('2021-07-01');
    cy.setDatePickerDate('filter-date', new Date('2021-07-05');

    Or, you could alter your custom command to take in an array of dates.

    Cypress.Commands.add('setDatePickerDate', (selector, dates) => {
      cy.wrap(dates).each((date) => {
        // code to execute
                       [new Date('2021-07-01'), new Date('2021-07-05')]

    Edit: From the comment, essentially "how do I conditionally check if the selector is disabled and only click then?"

    cy.getBySel(selector).then(($el) => {
      if ($el.prop(':disabled')) { // We have to use JQuery so that the test does not fail if the element is not disabled.
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  2. Perhaps you can make an outer layer of custom command to handle the complexity of different parameters?

    You don’t need to pass the parameters with brackets [] or braces {} if you specify the args with a spread operator like this: ...args. The spread operator converts the list of parameters into an array.

    Below I added cy.log() to show the args are correctly parsed

    Cypress.Commands.add('pickDate', (date) => {
      // here is only logic for picking one date, you can test it independently
    Cypress.Commands.add('setDatePicker', (...args) => {
      if (typeof args[0] === 'string') {
        const selector = args[0]
        cy.log('Selector', selector)
      const dates = args.filter(arg => typeof arg !== 'string')
      dates.forEach(date => {
    it('handles a selector and two dates', () => {
      cy.setDatePicker('filter-date', new Date('2021-07-01'), new Date('2021-07-05'))
    it('handles two dates', () => {
      cy.setDatePicker(new Date('2021-07-01'), new Date('2021-07-05'))
    it('handles a single date', () => {
      cy.setDatePicker(new Date('2021-07-05'))
    it('handles three dates', () => {
      cy.setDatePicker(new Date('2021-07-01'), new Date('2021-07-05'), new Date('2021-07-07'))

    This is the log showing each variation of parameter lists is handled correctly

    enter image description here

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