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I have an SQL Query which takes an input from a cell and queries the database to find matches.

For Example

SELECT Postcode
FROM Table
WHERE SUBSTRING(Postcode, 1, 2) = SUBSTRING('{{CollectionPostcode.text}}', 1, 2)
ORDER BY Postcode ASC;

If I use the Postcode LA4 4SN

The JSON output would be

    "Postcode": "LA1-10"
    "Postcode": "LA11-23"

I have a script which calls the query and logs the output as

export default {
  async slicePostcode() {
    const enteredPostcode = CollectionPostcode.text;
    const postcodeArea = enteredPostcode.trim().split(" ")[0]; // Extract the first part of the postcode

    await; // Wait for the query to finish execution

    const dataString =; 

    // Parse the JSON string into an array of objects
    let data = [];
    try {
      data = JSON.parse(dataString);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Error parsing JSON:", error);
      return null; // or return an appropriate value to indicate an error

    // Find the matching entry for the given postcode area
    const matchingEntry = data.find((entry) => {
    const [startPostcode, endPostcode] = entry.Postcode.split("-");
    return postcodeArea >= startPostcode && postcodeArea <= endPostcode;

  return matchingEntry || null; // Return matchingEntry or null if no match is found

The JAvascript should then select the relevent option from which in this case would be LA1-10

However I keep getting null
I have tried adapting the JS multiple times but keep getting the same result.

Can anyone help?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Managed to figure it out.

    I changed the JS to

    export default {
        async slicePostcode() {
            const enteredPostcode = CollectionPostcode.text;
            const postcodeArea = enteredPostcode.trim().split(" ")[0];
            const data =;
            // Find the matching entry for the given postcode area
            const matchingEntry = data.find((entry) => {
            const [startPostcode, endPostcode] = entry.Postcode.split("-");
            const startNumber = Number(startPostcode.slice(2));
            const endNumber = Number(endPostcode.slice(0));
            const numericPostcodeArea = Number(postcodeArea.slice(2));
            const isMatch = numericPostcodeArea >= startNumber && numericPostcodeArea <= endNumber;
            console.log(`Comparing ${postcodeArea} with ${startPostcode} - ${endPostcode}: ${isMatch}`);
            return isMatch;
         // Extract and return the Postcode value from the matching entry
         const matchingPostcode = matchingEntry ? matchingEntry.Postcode : null;
         return matchingPostcode || null; // Return matchingPostcode or null if no match is found

  2. I think the issue has to do with the line:

    return postcodeArea >= startPostcode && postcodeArea <= endPostcode;

    The values are being compared as strings and according to string comparisons LA4 is not greater than LA1.

    To get the desired behavior:

    export default {
      async slicePostcode() {
        const enteredPostcode = CollectionPostcode.text;
        const postcodeArea = enteredPostcode.trim().split(" ")[0]; // Extract the first part of the postcode
        const postcodeAreaNumber = Number(postcodeArea.slice(2)); // Parse the number from postcodeArea
        await; // Wait for the query to finish execution
        const dataString =;
        // Parse the JSON string into an array of objects
        let data = [];
        try {
          data = JSON.parse(dataString);
        } catch (error) {
          console.error("Error parsing JSON:", error);
          return null; // or return an appropriate value to indicate an error
        // Find the matching entry for the given postcode area
        const matchingEntry = data.find((entry) => {
          const [startPostcode, endPostcode] = entry.Postcode.split("-");
          const startNumber = Number(startPostcode.slice(2));
          const endNumber = Number(endPostcode.slice(2));
          return postcodeAreaNumber >= startNumber && postcodeAreaNumber <= endNumber;
        return matchingEntry || null; // Return matchingEntry or null if no match is found

    Sorry I left out some of the relevant code, thought I only had to edit that last portion.

    Should work. Hope this helps!

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