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I’m trying to add a header row to a CSV file using excel.js, but all the columns in the row are ending up in a single cell.

How can I separate the columns?

enter image description here

Any help will be appreciated

The code I tried is:

static async tratarPlanilha(planilhaPath) {
        const workbook = new excelJs.Workbook();
        await workbook.csv.readFile(planilhaPath);

        const header = ['disciplina  teste', 'RESP_1', 'RESP_2', 'RESP_3', 'RESP_4', 'RESP_5', 'MEDIA', 'COD QUESTAO', 'TITULO', 'MEDIA GERAL', 'NUMERO PREENCHIMENTO']
        const planilhas = [];
        workbook.eachSheet((sheet, sheetId) => {
            sheet.eachRow((row, rowNumber) => {
                const disciplina = row.getCell(1).value;
                const valores = disciplina.split(';');
                if (!planilhas[valores[0]]) {
                    planilhas[valores[0]] = new excelJs.Workbook();
        for (const disciplina in planilhas) {
            const outputPath = `planilha_${disciplina[0]}.csv`;
            await planilhas[disciplina].csv.writeFile(outputPath);



  1. Looks like you are placing the header as a row. By looking at the docs, it says that to add a header you can include an extra parameter initializing the csv.

    planilhas[valores[0]].addWorksheet(, {
      headerFooter:{firstHeader: "Headers content", firstFooter: "Footer content"}
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  2. They appear to be in a single cell, because that’s the way Excel on your computer displays CSV on opening it, but if you import it instead, and use , as a delimiter, it should display separated.

    It seems that it separates the data by ; delimiter, so if it’s not important, you could adapt the CSV delimiter to the way Excel initially displays the data, but that’s not recommended (on some other computer, it might show in a single cell, and it would be harder to process it, because it wouldn’t have comma as a usual separator…).

    To do that, use ; as delimiter in options, which you pass to writeFile

    Note: this will make ; as CSV delimiter, not comma (,)

    const options = {
        formatterOptions: {
            delimiter: ';',
            quote: true,
    await planilhas[disciplina].csv.writeFile(outputPath, options);
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  3. the problem may be in the program to see .csv, I run your code and the output is very good. I am using a vs code extension.

    output using vs code excel viewer

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  4. Demo code, it will support multiple sheet too.

    Save as ‘save-csv.js’

    const ExcelJS = require('exceljs');
    const fs = require('fs');
    const path = require('path');
    class SpreadsheetProcessor {
        static async processSpreadsheet(spreadsheetPath, csvPath) {
            const workbook = new ExcelJS.Workbook();
            await workbook.xlsx.readFile(spreadsheetPath);
            let csvContent = [];
            workbook.eachSheet((sheet, sheetId) => {
                sheet.eachRow((row, rowNumber) => {
                    let rowData = [];
                    row.eachCell({ includeEmpty: true }, (cell, colNumber) => {
            fs.writeFileSync(csvPath, csvContent.join('n'));
            console.log(`Data saved to ${csvPath}`);
    async function main() {
        const fileName = 'data.xlsx';
        const csvFileName = 'data.csv';
        await SpreadsheetProcessor.processSpreadsheet(fileName, csvFileName);
    main().catch(error => console.error(error));

    Input file
    enter image description here


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