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This is my code to display a countdown timer for a otp, but its displaying only static value and is not getting updated every second like expected.

// Set the target end time (in this example, 10 minutes from now) 
$endTime = time() + (10 * 60);  
// Calculate the remaining time 
$remainingTime = $endTime - time(); 
// Display the remaining time 
echo "<span id='countdown'></span>"; 
// Display the remaining time in minutes and seconds 
function displayCountdown() { 
  var remainingTime = <?php echo $remainingTime; ?>; 
  var minutes = Math.floor(remainingTime / 60); 
  var seconds = remainingTime - (minutes * 60); 
  document.getElementById("countdown").innerHTML = minutes + "m " + seconds + "s"; 
  if (remainingTime < 0) { 
    document.getElementById("countdown").innerHTML = "Time's up!"; 
var interval = setInterval(displayCountdown, 1000); 

Please point out what am I missing.



  1. May be you need to move the remaining time calculation from displayCountdown func. And the remaining time will be updated by the setInterval() method (every second). I hope this helps for you.

    $endTime = time() + (10 * 60);  
    echo "<span id='countdown'></span>"; 
    function displayCountdown() { 
      var remainingTime = <?php echo $endTime - time(); ?>;
      var minutes = Math.floor(remainingTime / 60); 
      var seconds = remainingTime % 60; 
      document.getElementById("countdown").innerHTML = minutes + "m " + seconds + "s"; 
      if (remainingTime <= 0) { 
        document.getElementById("countdown").innerHTML = "Time's up!"; 
    var interval = setInterval(displayCountdown, 1000); 
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  2. Remember, PHP code is executed on server – and won’t be able to affect JS ("browser-time") execution. Your JS function, effectively, looks like this:

    // Display the remaining time in minutes and seconds 
    function displayCountdown() { 
      var remainingTime = 600; // generated by PHP and inserted into script before sending it to browser
      var minutes = Math.floor(remainingTime / 60); 
      var seconds = remainingTime - (minutes * 60); 
      document.getElementById("countdown").innerHTML = minutes + "m " + seconds + "s"; 
      if (remainingTime < 0) { 
        document.getElementById("countdown").innerHTML = "Time's up!"; 
    var interval = setInterval(displayCountdown, 1000); 

    Here, the problem is immediately visible: you only decrement remainingTime during a single run of displayCountdown function. The next time it’s called, the value is again 600 – as remainingTime variable is local.

    Therefore, the most straightforward solution is to move that variable outside of displayCountdown scope, like this:

    var remainingTime = <?php echo $remainingTime; ?>;
    function displayCountdown() { 
      var minutes = Math.floor(remainingTime / 60); 
      var seconds = remainingTime - (minutes * 60); 
      document.getElementById("countdown").innerHTML = minutes + "m " + seconds + "s"; 
      if (remainingTime < 0) { 
        document.getElementById("countdown").innerHTML = "Time's up!"; 
    var interval = setInterval(displayCountdown, 1000); 
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  3. You are defining remaining time in the function, so it will be 10 minutes every time the function is called.

    You need to move the var remainingTime = <?php echo $remainingTime; ?>;
    to above the function. Like this:

    var remainingTime = <?php echo $remainingTime; ?>; 
    function displayCountdown() { 
        var minutes = Math.floor(remainingTime / 60); 
        var seconds = remainingTime - (minutes * 60); 
        document.getElementById("countdown").innerHTML = minutes + "m " + seconds + "s"; 
        if (remainingTime < 0) { 
            document.getElementById("countdown").innerHTML = "Time's up!"; 
    var interval = setInterval(displayCountdown, 1000); 

    Then it won’t get overwritten every time the interval calls the function

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