I am trying to get the non repeating values from the 2 inputs.
Ex: If I type some names in the first input: George, Michael, John and in 2nd input: John, Robert, Michael.
should return in the 3 input: George, Robert.
# const resultElement = document.getElementById('ResultField');
const text1Element = document.getElementById('old');
const text2Element = document.getElementById('new');
function myFunction() {
const x = text1Element.value;
const y = text2Element.value;
//split the textareas by newlines
const xArr = x.split('n');
const yArr = y.split('n');
const result = xArr
.map((line, index) => {
return line + ' ' + yArr[index];
}, '')
const removeDuplicates = result.split(/s/g).filter((word, i, arr) => arr.indexOf(word) !== i);
resultElement.value = removeDuplicates;
using this line I get the duplicates. ex: Michael, John
const removeDuplicates = result.split(/s/g).filter((word, i, arr) => arr.indexOf(word) !== i);
if I change "!" to "=" I get the combine input. ex: George, Michael, John, Robert
const removeDuplicates = result.split(/s/g).filter((word, i, arr) => arr.indexOf(word) === i);
Many thanks.
You are looking for the symmetric differences.
You could keep a count of the words in a concatenated list, then filter out any word that appeared more than once.
This has an O(n) runtime, with O(n) space.