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I use the following component to create tabs within my project.

   function Tab({
      fullWidth = true,
    }: ExtractProps<typeof HeadlessTab> & {
      fullWidth?: boolean;
    }) {
      const list = useContext(listContext);
      const liRef = React.createRef<HTMLLIElement>()
      return (
        <HeadlessTab as={Fragment}>
        {({ selected }) => (
              fullWidth && "flex-1",
              list.variant == "tabs" && "-mb-px",
                selected: selected,
              {typeof children === "function"
                ? children({
                    selected: selected,
                : children}

However, I get the following error whenever I try to run the project. I have tried a couple of things such as re-casting the ref to HTMLLIElement while assigning it to the

  • element:

        TS2322: Type 'Ref<HTMLElement>' is not assignable to type 'LegacyRef<HTMLLIElement> | undefined'.
      Type 'RefObject<HTMLElement>' is not assignable to type 'LegacyRef<HTMLLIElement> | undefined'.
        Type 'RefObject<HTMLElement>' is not assignable to type 'RefObject<HTMLLIElement>'.
          Type 'HTMLElement' is missing the following properties from type 'HTMLLIElement': type, value
        32 |     {({ selected }) => (
        33 |       <li
      > 34 |       ref={liRef}
           |       ^^^
        35 |         className={twMerge([
        36 |           "focus-visible:outline-none",
        37 |           fullWidth && "flex-1",

    Not really sure what I am doing wrong with this.

  • 2


    1. The error message you’re encountering is due to a type mismatch between the type of the liRef and the expected type for the ref prop of the <li> element. The ref prop is expected to be of type LegacyRef<HTMLLIElement>.

      Try this:

      function Tab({
        fullWidth = true,
      }: ExtractProps<typeof HeadlessTab> & {
        fullWidth?: boolean;
      }) {
        const list = useContext(listContext);
        // Change the type of the ref to match the element type
        const liRef = React.createRef<HTMLLIElement>();
        return (
          <HeadlessTab as={Fragment}>
            {({ selected }) => (
                  fullWidth && "flex-1",
                  list.variant === "tabs" && "-mb-px",
                    selected: selected,
                  {typeof children === "function"
                    ? children({
                        selected: selected,
                    : children}
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    2. Try this:

      import useRef from "react" and replace

      "const liRef = React.createRef()"

      with the snippet below.

      This should help with the type error your getting related to the ref attribute

      const liRef = useRef<HTMLLIElement>(null); 
      Login or Signup to reply.
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