I am trying to make my own world editor in Javascript. I am using a folder of individual tiles and placing them on screen. Then when you press on the tile you basically choose it. That works, but when the pointerdown switches from tile picking to tile placing I get this error.
I have checked if everything is defined but I might be missing something
Update: I have changed the arrow functions to use normal ones but it still doesnt work and gives the same error and am now providing the whole file code
i have encountered this
VM10362:1 undefined
These are the errors aka stack trace i think
this is my code
class WorldEditor extends Phaser.Scene {
constructor() {
this.tileSize = 48
this.tileIndex = 0
this.tileFolder = 'Assets/Tiles/'
this.tilesPerRow = 37
this.totalTiles = 160
this.tilePicked = false
preload() {
// Load tile images from the folder
for (let i = 0; i < this.totalTiles; i++) {
this.load.image('tile (' + i + ')', this.tileFolder + 'tile (' + i + ').png')
create() {
const tileWidth = this.tileSize
const tileHeight = this.tileSize
const tilesPerRow = this.tilesPerRow
this.map = this.make.tilemap({
tileWidth: this.tileSize,
tileHeight: this.tileSize,
width: 1200,
height: 720
for (let i = 0; i < this.totalTiles; i++) {
const x = ((i % tilesPerRow) * tileWidth)/1.48
const y = (Math.floor(i / tilesPerRow) * tileHeight)/1.48
this.tile = this.add.image(x, y, 'tile (' + i + ')')
this.tile.setScale((tileWidth / this.tile.width)/1.48, (tileHeight / this.tile.height)/1.48)
// Set up pointer events
// Keyboard event to switch back to tile selection
this.input.keyboard.on('keydown-F', () => {
this.tilePicked = false
console.log('Switched back to tile selection')
this.setupPointerEvents() // Update pointer events after switching back
setupPointerEvents() {
if (!this.tilePicked) {
const tiles = this.children.list.filter(child => child.texture && child.texture.key.startsWith('tile ('))
tiles.forEach((tile, i) => {
tile.on('pointerdown', function() {
this.tileIndex = i
this.tilePicked = true
console.log('Selected tile index:', this.tileIndex)
}, this)
} else {
this.input.on('pointerdown', function(pointer) {
this.tileX = Math.floor(pointer.x / this.tileSize)
this.tileY = Math.floor(pointer.y / this.tileSize)
this.placeTile(this.tileX, this.tileY)
}, this)
// Other methods...
placeTile(tileX, tileY) {
this.map.putTileAt(this.tileIndex, tileX, tileY)
// Implement saveMap and loadMap functions to save and load level data
I added a tileset image i dont use and a layer and now it works thank you for all of the help!
The main issue is that there is no layer created. create a layer (with a tileset) and there should be no errors.
Mini Example that solves the issue:
(I might update it to make it look better)
Just click the white square. and check the Browser console