I want to know if I can use the stripe express checkout element for subscription?
I use ruby btw
Based on the document, one of the modes made it seem possible:
const elements = stripe.elements({
mode: 'payment', // This can be `subscription`
amount: 1099,
currency: 'usd',
I have a lookup key for the subscription price. I was hoping to use it somewhere once the payment method is confirmed here:
const handleError = (error) => {
const messageContainer = document.querySelector('#error-message');
messageContainer.textContent = error.message;
expressCheckoutElement.on('confirm', async (event) => {
const {error: submitError} = await elements.submit();
if (submitError) {
// Create the PaymentIntent and obtain clientSecret
const res = await fetch('/create-intent', {
method: 'POST',
const {client_secret: clientSecret} = await res.json();
const {error} = await stripe.confirmPayment({
// `elements` instance used to create the Express Checkout Element
// `clientSecret` from the created PaymentIntent
confirmParams: {
return_url: 'https://example.com/order/123/complete',
if (error) {
// This point is only reached if there's an immediate error when
// confirming the payment. Show the error to your customer (for example, payment details incomplete)
} else {
// The payment UI automatically closes with a success animation.
// Your customer is redirected to your `return_url`.
I want to create the subscription at the return_url. But based on the provided document, it’s only for a one-time payment.
So if I did this (without using the subscription price id and just create the subscription of the customer at the return url). They will gonna be two charges, one for the one-time payment at express checkout and the second on when the subscription is created.
Any help?
I used pgs' answer as a hint for mine.
This would set the express checkout button to be able to create the payment method using stripe.createPaymentMethod
Now for the confirm of express checkout:
Attach paymentMethod.id to customer. I use Ruby for the backend
Set payment method as default:
Now you should be able to create a subscription.
You can use their Express Checkout Element for subscriptions. As you’ve mentioned on the client site you would specify the mode to subscription.
You can also pass the return url on the confirmation call on the client side:
On the server side, you’d use their
method similar to this section of their other integration path. I integrated it with subscriptions and when they say ‘payments’ on their document, they are using it as a broader term maybe rather than saying it works for ‘payment mode’ only.