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I’m currently building a Pokémon application, therefor I’m accessing data from PokéAPI and will store specific data in a variable, such as name, id and type.

Currently I’m facing issues to store the second type of a pokémon. Some of them have one type, some of them have two.

If a pokémon has two types the data structure looks like this:
Bulbasaur JSON data screenshot from

Here’s the link to JSON data for an example pokémon with 1 types:

If a pokémon only has one type the structure looks like this:
Togepi JSON data screenshot from


To check whether there’s a second type or not I wrote a function:

function CheckPropertySecondtype(str) {
  if (str.hasOwnProperty("types"[1])) {
    pokemondata.secondtype = str.types[1];
    console.log("Pokemon has a second type");
  } else {
    pokemondata.secondtype = "none";

The problem is, that the if statement doesn’t work the way I want it to. It’s always false which means no matter if there’s a second type or not, the output is always "none". I tried several notations like hasOwnProperty(types[1] or hasOwnProperty(

How can I access the key correctly to check this?



  1. As others have mentioned in the comments, str.hasOwnProperty("types"[1])is equivalent to str.hasOwnProperty("y"), which should be false. One option is to split it into two conditions:

    if (str.hasOwnProperty("types") && str.types.hasOwnProperty(1)) {
     // ...

    (note that the second condition could be rewritten as str.types.length >= 1). If str does not have a types property, the expression will short circuit and so the check for str.types[1] will never run (so won’t error).

    Or, you could write it more simply using optional chaining:

    if (str.types?.[0] !== undefined) {
     // ..
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  2. You don’t need the if...else construct here. With the operators ?. (optional chaining) and ?? (nullish coalescing), you can do it in a single assignment:

    pokemondata.secondtype = str.types[1]?.type?.name ?? "none";

    This works because the name property is assumed to be a string, and so if str.types[1]?.type?.name is undefined, we know for sure it wasn’t present, and so the ?? expression will evaluate to "none".

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  3. As an alternative, you can check the length of types in the JSON.

    // shortened JSON data for the first URL:       
            var strJSON1= '{"types": [{"slot": 1, "type": {"name": "fairy", "url": ""}}]}' ;
            var data= JSON.parse(strJSON1);
            console.log('Count of types: ' + data.types.length);
            for (var i=0; i<data.types.length; i++){
                console.log("Name" + (i+1) +": " + data.types[i];
    // shortened JSON data for the second URL:
            var strJSON2= '{"types": [{"slot": 1,"type": {"name": "grass","url": ""}},{"slot": 2,"type": {"name": "poison","url": ""}}]}' ;
            var data= JSON.parse(strJSON2);
            console.log('Count of types: ' + data.types.length); 
            for (var i=0; i<data.types.length; i++){
                console.log("Name" + (i+1) +": " + data.types[i];
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