I have a code that was in a .ts file that I wanted to import into a.vue file for consistency.
In the .ts file, I have some functions inside an exported namespace.
The issue is when I keep that in the .vue file, I get the following error:
<script setup> cannot contain ES module exports. If you are using a previous version of <script setup>, please consult the updated RFC at https://github.com/vuejs/rfcs/pull/227
if I remove the export keyword, I get:
SyntaxError: ambiguous indirect export: ...
Structure of /path/to/file.js
<script setup lang="ts">
import { Stuffs } from "package";
export namespace myNS {
// members here
Structure of /path/to/importer.js
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, onMounted } from "vue";
import { myNS } from "@/path/to/file.js";
import { fileURLToPath, URL } from "url";
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import vue from "@vitejs/plugin-vue";
// https://vitejs.dev/config/
export default defineConfig({
define: {
__VUE_I18N_FULL_INSTALL__: true,
__VUE_I18N_LEGACY_API__: false,
plugins: [vue()],
resolve: {
alias: {
"@": fileURLToPath(new URL("./src", import.meta.url)),
So How do I export my namespace in this context ?
What are my alternatives instead of exporting ?
I need my functions to be accessible outside of their file and called inside vue3 components.
You cannot move code from TS files into script setup by this exact reason –
You can’t use
in Script SetupThat’s the whole reason to use TS rather then just using Script Setup
The only thing Script Setup can export is the implicit default export of the whole component
If you want a namespace export, use TS file
If you want a namespace of components, import components as defaults from
and reexport into namespaceIn your code, you are trying to export a namespace (myNS) and import from an external package. does not support these features directly. To resolve this issue, you can consider the following approaches: Use Block: If you need to export a namespace or use advanced ES module features, it might be best to use a regular block instead of .